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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2022


  • Exactly. Also someone can only release parts of the source code of their software and still license it under a permissive license like MIT, BSD, Apache, CDDL, etc. enabling them to claim that their software is “open source”. And usually in that case the released source code just so happens to mostly be wrapper/glue code that calls out into closed source binaries which is where the actual magic happens.

  • From my so far limited experience of playing around with it for 30 minutes in a QEMU KVM, it does use the apt package manager but a quick look at /etc/apt/sources.list tells that they use their own repositories. Looking through the repositories of what they have to offer it seems that they aren’t just mirrors from another distro but actually maintain their own packages and port some Ubuntu packages. A look through their Kernel Config zcat /proc/config.gz tells that they compile their own custom Kernel as well. Also it doesn’t use snap at all, but they do offer it in their repositories. And for some reason there is dockerd/containerd pre-installed and pre-configured on the base System. My guess would be that they use docker for the Mobile apps, but I can’t verify this right now since every time I try to install a Mobile app from the Software Store it tells me that I can’t run a VM inside a VM. And unfortunately I don’t have some spare Hardware to test at hand atm.

    To answer your question; It seems like an independent distro utilizing the apt package manager and porting some Ubuntu packages. But I can’t say for sure, since all of the documentation on their git repositories is written in mandarin.

  • On Linux you aren’t just limited to a specific set of utilities, or a specific UI or Desktop. You can mix and match software to varying degrees. A desktop environment like MATE or XFCE comes to mind for something that resembles a Windows 9x-XP era desktop. Cinnamon and KDE Plasma are similar to Windows Vista-7. GNOME is like current macOS. All of them vary in terms of customization and theming. Most distros have all of these (and more) available in their software repositories and some distros offer multiple ISOs with different software and desktops pre-bundled. For example the Debian installer lets you pick which Desktop(s) you want and then downloads and installs all the required packages. But Linux Mint has 3 different editions each with a different Desktop environment (MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon).

  • So with, rust/Redox, does that use a different language for the terminal than other distros?

    It means that the RedoxOS system is written in Rust (Kernel, Drivers, Userspace, etc.). Redox itself is still just a POSIX compatible UNIX-like System similar to Linux. Which means you can run things like Bash on Redox just like on Linux. But unlike Linux or BSD, both of which are Monolithic, Redox follows a Micro-kernel design. For the average user this doesn’t mean much really. But I wouldn’t use RedoxOS as it is right now since it’s still in its early stages of development. It runs on a limited set of hardware and is still pretty rough around the edges.

    If you just want an OS to use for things like web browsing, programming or writing documents then any up-to-date Linux distro will be your best bet. They all use the same software, with some minor exceptions. The difference is in the design.

  • Don’t install Kali, Redox, ReactOS or Linux from Scratch as a beginner. Kali is a pen-testing distro that runs everything as the root user by default. It should not be used for anything outside of testing network infrastructure and should not be installed on anything but a USB drive. Besides all the software that is on Kali is also available on any other Linux distro. Redox is still in its infancy and not very usable on real hardware due to a lack of drivers and support. Similar story with ReactOS, except it’s basically WINE but with a FOSS WinNT Kernel underneath. ReactOS can’t even run 64-Bit applications yet (although there is an effort to get that working). With ReactOS you still get all the baggage and questionable design decisions from Windows, since that’s what it’s trying to mimic. Lastly, Linux from Scratch is a means to make your own Linux distro from scratch. It’s not a framework, or a distro, or a set of tools but a piece of literature.