Yeah, he held the one at his photoshoot upside down…imagine how quickly the right would be using MSPaint to draw the inverted cross on the cover if a Democrat did that!!
Yeah, he held the one at his photoshoot upside down…imagine how quickly the right would be using MSPaint to draw the inverted cross on the cover if a Democrat did that!!
Yeah … I said that. Your data can be used and sold, it just doesn’t have anything to do with a tiktok ban. They already have your ad data, especially if you are a tiktoker/social media user. The van stems from security concerns, it has nothing to do with the average user, no one cares about them.
YOUR data doesn’t matter. Information gained from mass analysis of data that is tied to govt workers and military personnel is a security concern and it is treated as such. Nobody cares about your particular data, on either side (well, maybe ad companies, but if you are a tiktoker, you are already fully compromised there).
On the up side for tiktok kids. The CCP will likely order trump to unblock it.
But earth is in space and I am ALMOST certain earth has air around it!
Look up xkcd world stop spinning
Yeah, Leatherman seems to have come out ahead. I used the Wave2 for a while, and most folks I know have Leatherman multi-tools. The lack of spring on the pliers took a long time to get used to. The Gerber pliers and scissors springs are still going strong, so I never bought the “it is just going to fail” argument for not having them. The Gerber also had external access tools decades before people were praising the wave for its originality in having external tools lol. Honestly those are two selling points that kept me from ever getting a new multitool…well, now there is sentimental value for a tool that has been through hell with me and is still strong…but I probably won’t be recommending Gerber any time soon.
Gerber Legend 800 Multitool
The one I got from a PX the year after it was released is epic. Have carried it for 23 years. It has seen everything and outside of scraping the knife sharpish again, has never been maintained. I misplaced it for a bit (under friends driver’s seat for about a year) and couldn’t find a replacement “upgrade”. Did the Leatherman wave2 for a bit. Couldn’t take it, hit up eBay, got 3 more Gerber L800s (later release, still in boxes)…so bad. They just felt cheaper. When we stumbled upon my old Gerber, I kept the new ones for parts. Replace my knife with a new one…it already has rust dots on it. My old one after decades of abuse and being sharpened to half it’s starting width, doesn’t have a spot of rust on it.
ANYWAY…yeah…what OP said.
Everyone I know in tech uses android. People that want capable handheld devices choose android. People that want a basic device that does what the company says and nothing else go Apple. Even I suggest Apple to old people and luddites, it protects itself from them. Oh, and people easily manipulated by social pressures (OMG I need the right colored text bubble!) will deeply overpay for a subpar device.
No implications, it is pointing out facts about hardware (where one is objectively worse). OS is not relevant and was not mentioned. Brand was mentioned because that was the topic.
Been there, it is legit underwhelming.
Showed GF the lone image. She looked at me with a stupid smile and exclaimed “Imma yogurt!”…oh boy lol
OK FINE! Lookout kids… millennial coming through, get out of the way…WHY IS THERE A TOILET, NEVERMIND! Ok…
What is “rule” and why is it a sentence now?
Whatup dawg, I am fly as well!
It also has to be protected from vandals and morons protesting it.
Also, just for laughs, make the support bars too low for modern pickup trucks haha!
I have too many other things to worry about, to make myself hate meat. That said, I understand there is terrible shit happening in that industry, most militant vegans I have crossed paths with are wearing an apple watch and Nikes…so, I can’t take them seriously. We all pick our battles. In the end, work harder on making fake meat great. Get on it vegans, fund the research and go to school for it! If I can get my animal proteins and whatever else from a burger thqt I can’t tell came from a lab, I will never buy farmed meat again, just like that, overnight. If you sit in front of a dairy isle with pictures of sad cows, I am going reach past you, get my milk, and forget you exist in 2 isles. A lot of people are not actively against your cause, we just don’t care either way. Be more effective.
Yeah, people hurt themselves to own the people they disagree with…but I am pretty sure we are supposed to be omnivores…I don’t think carnivore works for us. #NotAnExpert
THATS THE ONE! I was trying so hard to remember the new one I was called that I really liked. That one is t-shirt worthy. One half over the other in a bloody grin.
Exactly this. They ALWAYS lose this fight.
I just remind them, The Deceiver isn’t going to chuckle and taunt with obvious signs and abhorant behaviors…he is going to turn God’s most faithful into his tools for manifesting his own desires on Earth…gay dudes fucking in a pool of blood surrounded by burning crosses are just people being trolls…the Christian Nationalists are the work of the devil coming to fruition.
(Not religious myself, but they eat that shit up)