It’s fake, originally posted by Intel.
Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
It’s fake, originally posted by Intel.
It is by far my favourite game ever. I’m not aware of any other quite like it. The level of immersion is insane and like you said, you really don’t want to die and lose everything you’ve been working for tens of hours. The base game itself is not that difficult once you get the hang of it but the fact that you may get shot at by other player literally at any moment changes everything. It’s an absolutely massive map and even if there was like only 5 other people playing you still can’t let your guard down because one may be in the same town as you. I just wish people were more willing to talk instead of shooting on sight, though I can’t really blame them.
There’s a 15 second delay for logging out but yeah, you can log out mid-firefight and many people do. However the point was that when you die you don’t get to try again from last save - you start again from zero.
DayZ master race. No saving available.
Not a meme. Do we really need politics on every-single-community?
One major issue with most online discussion about AI is that many people seem to view that term synonymous with LLMs - which it’s not. LLMs are AI systems but AI as a category is also so much more than that.
No, it’s actually not. It’s an LLM and it doesn’t have clue what it’s saying. It definitely cannot speak for someone else.
I don’t know what there is to be proud about not being depressed. I’m just happy that I’m not. Should I feel shame for it now or what?
Talk about lazy journalism. Apparently Grok AI is now treated as the official spokesperson for Twitter.
It’s not a cast iron skillet problem, it’s a mental health problem.
I mean, as long as it’s your cast iron skillet.
If it was quality opinions, I wouldn’t be handing them out for free. They’re free instead, so I don’t listen to complaints.
That’s the logical conclusion to draw when someone is criticizing the celebration of a vigilante murderer.
No, I think we need more people like him. Much more. I’m sure that’s a wonderful world to live in.
Why do you think my opinions are free then?
But clearly your opinion on my opinion is so important you need to share it with me.
Even if the penalty (death) can be morally justified it still shouldn’t be celebrated. Also, I oppose death penalty - the people celebrating this have no moral standing to oppose it too. They’re on the wrong side of history in my view.
By not using the platform. You think you’re being clever but all you’re doing is making them more money.