So I’m nor the only one who can listen to a few songs over and over again. It drives my kids nuts.
That’s hilarious, and guess got ditch the wife and grow neck beard now lol.
If this real a link would be nice.
Guess all those New England people who normally head south to Florida for winter, might as well stay home. Downside is when the Florida’s start heading north for warm weather.
Use Masterson occasionally, and just created my pixelfed account and love posting my food pics over there.
I have a big tiddy goth woman, trust me you shouldn’t be asking god for one.
Thanks for the explanation.
First explain what hell this is? For us old timers who been using internet since the beginning.
This was years ago before YouTube became corporate and got prudence, but I once seen a video of a woman shove a 2 liter bottle up her ass. So I think this cone be no problem.
Dude that Rual Julia in Street Fighter one of his last rolls before his death.
Oh it gets worse from there. Just wait until he becomes a teenager. Then fun begins.
No they aren’t about to give a minimum wage worker 60k. Best they could do is get hire fired. Fuck that worker she gets what she deserves.
Also found out she rated for money she won’t be able to collect because she called 911. So no money for the class traitor.
Dude show up only minutes before he walked out. He didn’t wait long and was saw talking on the phone before hand. Money says someone knew Ceo was walking out and when and alerted the killer. Could have been the wife making the call. CEO was also pretty calm and brave walking out when just the night before his wife had gotten a bomb threat the night before at 7pm.
I mean we are only now hearing about all these suppose threats he had gotten from her. My brother wonders how guy knew exactly where he was going to be. Wife most definitely could have been in on the hit.
Riches man in the world and he chooses to look like this?
Time traveling going back and taking care of Trump or Elon etc.
Got my for FREE in Oklahoma in 2009 thanks to Plan Parenthood. Now I can creampie everytime.