You should try that when you get fired or “let go”
If you want better memes, be the change you want to see and post some
If you ever find a social media platform that doesn’t have stuff like this, please tell me. The larger a site gets the more representative of the human nature it gets, which leads to both really heartwarming stuff and things like this.
Better luck next time FED, you aren’t stealing my memes today!
So you are a robotic cat, even better!
Agreed, and I’ve seen cases where its helped people a lot, I’m just not one of those.
idk I feel its pretty useful in finding others like you?
True but to me my gender is really not a factor in who I am, and while it might be a useful huistic for finding those who are similar to me, I can think of far better ones then that (e.g. hobbies, position on the asexuality spectrum)
Your statement about politicians is something I agree with, I’m more thinking about how identifying as an outlier is less useful then identifying as your birth gender when doing statistical analysis for polls with low sample size which I often participate in, especially when it makes no difference to me.
by being publicly open about it, you help others feel confident …
That’s a good point that I’ll think on
but again, you do you boo and I’m gonna keep being me by confusing all the guys in the gym lockers 🤪
You too, I wish you luck with that.
Personally I don’t engage with gender. Gender is only useful in changing peoples perceptions of yourself and I don’t find people “lying” about my identity to my face to be an issue. I would identify as non binary or agender, but to do that would induce cognitive burden on others and make survay data more difficult, so I just don’t. Life is too short to bother educating people you meet about how you understand your own gender.
Who am I, I’m fractal and my pronouns are whatever you are willing to calling me in this moment.
Jerboa doesn’t seem to crash, though you will need to restart if you lose WiFi and then proceed to reload c/all
If people want to find alternative search engines check out this actively maintained list
the idea sat better when I couldn’t think it through
That’s what made your comment entertaining to think about
How would you suggest doing that and what purpose would it serve?
I’ve had that sub blocked for so long I forgot it existed
The cultural left is against her for being very visibly transphobic (along other things). Additionally religious reactionaries historically don’t like the fact her books are inspired by historical witchcraft practices, as pointed out in the meme.
To quote wikipedia’s summery: