So why even mention your million rounds as a reply to “I just fired a gun right next to your head, neither of us was wearing ear protection and now we’re having a conversation at normal volume”? Talk about ignorant.
You realize it’s a function of distance and that function is logarithmic, right? A gunshot at one foot is a hundred times louder than it is at 20 feet. If you were exposed to a million gunshots of any caliber from a foot away, you would be profoundly deaf.
I’ve shot a few thousand rounds. 9mm is very loud. Shoot it in a closed space just once without earpro and you will cause permanent damage to your hearing.
I don’t think a million round sample size would help you in judging this.
Oh you missed the email? Well the deadline to opt out of binding arbitration has already passed.
Maybe you get upgraded to fem-man?
Ah ok, I’m totally ignorant and haven’t seen that
Ruby Ridge was a real life event where the ATF set up and pretextually attacked a family in Idaho
This is basically the anime adaptation of Ruby Ridge
The pathowogen spreading just as planned
Got to renew it every six years
There was nothing wrong with the halogen and I’ll die on that hill. Ever since they abandoned it, it’s been an arms race, and the aftermarket drop-ins are the worst offenders. I’ve resigned myself to never seeing anything on the highway shoulder because of the intensity of oncoming traffic’s headlights.
I think it’s the tendency of producers in that era, around 2000-2010 was peak Loudness War, and many albums were pushed into clipping. IMO it started getting better through the 2010s as the emphasis on radio charts started to wane and listening habits shifted away from earbuds and portables.
That may be a thing with some releases, but I’m convinced that the original pet sounds and even the MFSL mono release are very inferior to that one HDCD stereo release. Still I’m listening to in 16bit/44kHz form, but to me it sounds way higher fidelity and likely is closer to the source. I can pick out instruments and sounds that I didn’t hear in the other version.
In general though I find modern ‘remasters’ are horrible and compressed and I think it’s lame that services like Spotify usually have only the most recent (and therefore worst) version of a given album.
May the source be with you
What’s interesting is just how different the quality was of some of the stereo releases vs the mono bounces. For an example, the stereo HDCD version of Pet Sounds is a little wack, but even if you joined the two channels to mono it sounds a hundred times better than the shittastic mono release. Got to wonder if they optimized it for AM radio play the way that similarly awful sounding releases in the early 2000s optimized for iPod earbuds.
Never wanted to smack a planter until today
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