Miranda sings played Wow?
Ya found me! 💕
Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.
Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.
Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️
Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀
Beans are cheap af. 💵
Miranda sings played Wow?
Lol sure, but wealthy straight cis white men have always had full right to marry, arms, or vote. Every other group of people has had to argue for those freedoms, while others are considered the “default person”.
Do trans people vote for someone that will allow them Healthcare or the one calling their existance pedophilia? That’s not a choice, but it’s a position many trans people are uniquely in. Just as black Americans had to argue for their freedom, to vote, to self protection. Just as women have to vote and own property. Just as queer folk have to marry.
Indifference to these situations means you’re rights are so taken for granted that they will never be stripped away, so you are afforded the luxury of swing both parties the same
The privileged perspective of those that don’t have their rights controlled by politics.
Brick, are you just naming children with things you see in the room?
That means your literally half cooking your food, anything below the correct temp is generally doing nothing, so either you are messing up your final product unknowingly or realizing it’s undercooked and having to leave it in the oven for longer to make up the difference.
It’s not a time saver, it’s just making bad food. What a weird self own.
100% with ya, the double standards are kinda crazy. The differnce between the first two panels is pretty stark in regards to the kid, even if the point is essentially the same.
My take is that male bodies need to exposed in order to be sexualized so they read vulnerable, but female bodies are can be read as sexualized and vulnerable regardless how they are presented. But that doesn’t really explain panel 4 & 6.
Weird choices. If anyone knows who the artist is, I’d be curious how they would talk about this.
Since it could be so many things like the other comments are pointing out, I think it’s supposed to prompt conversation.
Just finished The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K LA Guin, which was absolutely fantastic but so is all her books. Techincally Sci-fi but only in the loosest sense to describe sociology and the narcissism involved in thinking one person can “fix the world”.
Highly recommend.
Less meme, more propaganda.
Found the v… person paying attention.
It’s amazing that so many trans people experience homelessness when they also live rent free in bigots head.
I just want things to end. It’s okay for things to be over. Star wars wasn’t served by it’s sequels, but here we are with a new WHATEVER every year. And marvel is worse, with a new show every month or two. Realistically, how long is anyone supposed to care?
I laughed but now I’m mad and sad. Fuck you Isreal.
Her entire body of work is just fantastic, honestly my favorite author. I just finished The Lathe of Heaven the other day and really appreciate her sociological approach to sci-fi.
Most people have a very flaws understanding of anarchism. It absolutely is NOT a society without rules, that’s chaos and where the most physically powerful will rule, which is objectively a terrible thing and a big step backwards.
Anarchism is not really a system of government, but the philosophical belief that there should not be a heiarchy in societal laws. It can be applied in many different forms of goverment, most commonly with democracy but there are plenty of anarcho-communist out there. The gist is that systems that promote one group being shown favor, especially at the expense of another, should be dismantled. And what replaces it should be set up to serve and protect all people evenly.
This usually means police abolition and refocusing that energy on the underlining reasons people break “the law”. Like providing a minimum level of housing, income and food to all.
I can’t summerize the books succiently, but if you are interested The Dispossed and The Conquest of Bread deals with more examples.
Dnd is just a gateway drug for probability! Your child will grow up with a better understanding of chance and the consequences of gambling!
They are however, somehow, still assholes.
🤣 😂 🤣
I mean it’s funny how little these peoole understand the issues they are so passionate to talk about.