Based Jaded & Stoned
You’re literally missing the forest for the trees.
I’m not saying that enforcement systems are not required. I’m saying question authority and that it’s ok to not follow unjust law.
Anti-authoritarianism A belief system that opposes authoritarianism, which is a form of social organization that favors obedience to authority. Anti-authoritarians often believe in civil liberties and equality before the law.
Aka I will live a moral life even if it is illegal.
I’m not glad you think it’s funny that you were not properly educated in political terminology and political science.
your teachers failed you.
Funny how you think I’m confused but I started this entire thread. Maybe you’re just being willfully ignorant?
I think you have gender and sex confused. I also think that you’re an authoritarian in denial spiraling and reaching for any straw to grasp or goal post to change to. Gender is not binary. It’s fluid. But what would I know I’m just, the bisexual furry that you’re responding to.
Probably they didn’t but it’s kind of like me saying all leftists are stupid when in fact I’m trying to criticize a specific group of left-leaning individuals who like large tracked vehicles
Brother, that’s exactly the point I’m making.
I’m not trying to be argumentative friend but historically capitalism has led to far more innovation than markets and policies led by State planned production of goods and services. Small independent thinkers and movers have always been able to shake things up far better than the large unwieldedly fist of the state. You are 100% correct though that the major failing factor of this system is convincing other people to fund your ideas. And more intrensically the lack of a safety net to allow creatives to flourish. But I will say if somebody’s life work is to produce media on a platform like YouTube and nobody finds their content moving enough to support it thats a them problem. But if they had the safety nets that I mentioned in my prior comments, then that wouldn’t really be an issue if they didn’t have to worry about starving and going homeless. They may not live very well or be able to fund their side projects very well, but I’d be totally happy with that system.
My guy I’m not arguing for neat little boxes. I’m saying that each of the little green boxes and neat little yellow boxes are all their own separate views and opinions, but all fall under the collective branch of libertarianism. And in that same breath I will tell you that Russia, China the United States Great Britain, Germany, etc can all be classified as authoritarian states.
If we had more carrots we would need a lot less sticks
Numbers are negative or positive unless they are zero
Well you seem to be in the minority here so it would appear that the majority of people understand my definition as correct since that’s the definition as defined in multiple dictionaries.
If you appreciate authority, you’re an authoritarian…
I’m fully aware of the keys to power that you are referring to, and I agree the main struggle would be to get society as a whole to realize and remember that they hold power over those keys and that the keys have convinced the populous of the reverse
Don’t you understand they’re the bad word gang and you don’t want to be associated with the gad word gang that I think is bad because it’s bad. Now let me ignore this other label that applies to me because I don’t want to understand that it’s worse bad. /S
the word libertarian literally does mean what I’m telling you though . What your experiencing is that your personal definition is not matching up with everyone else’s reality. You’ve just been misinformed and have only been exposed to a subset of libertarian ideals . To put this in an analogy it’s like if I said truck and you assumed I was talking about a Ford F-350 when in fact I’m referring to all trucks. From tiny k trucks to 18 wheeler big rigs
Depends entirely on the tech support provider and the tech customer.