I’ve adopted year month day as the superior sorting method
I’ve adopted year month day as the superior sorting method
Personally I’ve never seen the spikes or anything that horrific in Canada. But fuck do those stupid bench “armrests” ever piss me off
By people on the outside?
You think Canada is a healthy democracy?
Which were based on the imperial system
Doesn’t even have to be unavailable at times. They could can it in north America if they wanted to. Outsourcing jobs (read: exploiting foreign countries and their workers) should be heavily taxed if not banned in most industries
Ah I didn’t realize that many cable companies bought all the platforms
For my mother we didn’t really have a funeral. The funeral home did the generic stuff and dressed her in just her own regular nice clothes and the family members who wanted to see her just went into a room she was in. It was like a day or two after she had died while we still had to do the paperwork and then we had her cremated. I don’t think funerals, especially open casket and the whole carrying the casket thing is really that common anymore
I wouldn’t consider Disney, Amazon, HBO etc to be cable tv providers. I don’t think at&t has a streaming service do they?
I know bell owns crave but I think the providers are the minority for streaming services
They also paused stock dividends for COVID 3 years ago and only resumed it now at 9¢ instead of 38¢
And their 2022 gross profit was nearly 21 billion dollars. That’s an extra 60 dollars an hour for every employee
They have the money.
That’s just the exorbitant profit that they put into stock buy backs. And if they spent half of that on buybacks and gave every employee a 10k bonus I’m sure opinions of them would be a lot more favourable.
They could easily cut back some of their “profit” to pay people better
Canadian pizza is pepperoni bacon and mushrooms
I was the same way but im at almost 1300 days now.
Schlafzimmer. Sleep room. Very straight forward the Germans
Leave it on your headphones?
Use credit cards and just report fraudulent charges