going limp
going limp
“Journalists” like this should be held responsible for the BS they spew. If there are no consequences they’ll just continue…
Daytime cereals: cereals then milk
Nighttime cereals (stealth mode): milk then cereals
I’m stupid :)
I was wondering if you were like born again christian or something and that you considered another importabt date as being your second birth day.
What do you mean by your “first” birthday?
Islamic scripture is actually quite big on punishing those that we would consider innocent.
You mean to say that the laws you abide by in your country are different from the ones dictated by Allah? Yeah, ok, like the majority of today’s countries. But Islam does not allow vigilantism. Any punishment must be decided by a judge if the conditions for the punishment are met, the first one is to be in a country which follows islamic law…
Muhammad himself had quite a few people killed because they didn’t believe in his teachings
Could you please cite the authentic hadith regarding this?
I don’t like Muslims or any other person killing innocent people. But unlike you I don’t go around making ignorant comments that are straight up lies.
Where does Islam order or condone attacking innocent civilians?
If you know anything about what Islam actually says you’d know such person’s actions are against it and wouldn’t send such ignorent comments on the world wide web.
Like yeah, it’s somewhat stupid that she thought 4chan has accounts
* cough tripfags cough *
Now do Israeli products.
The misinformation war is real.
However the IDF and it’s government in general are known for their long history of misleading the public opinion, in simple words: lying and fabricating false proofs without being afraid of how ridiculous they are (eg. Top secret plans on foot soldiers).
So the sane thing to do is to take whatever allegations are made from either side with a grain of salt.
I am Muslim and I am for the application of the punishment dictated by Sharia law for when a woman does not cover her hair:
None! There is no punishment.
“But Iran is the best Muslim country implementing Islam to the letter!”
Nope. It’s not. Their sect is hardly even considered Muslim by the Muslim majority.
Are you living under a rock? Haven’t you seen the men protesting in Iran??
The scientific method was pioneered by a Muslim. Look up Alhazen’s scientific method.
The religion vs science dichotomy is false, but I have to admit many religious (mostly Christian) zealots who are uneducated view science as opposing God’s word.
In the Quran mankind is encouraged to study the world and ponder, which explains the motivation behind the Muslim scientific advances at the time.
Well, the annoying orange in the oval office started it