When it comes to chocolate, the US says it’s OK to import products made from slave labor since the violations don’t happen on US territory.
US doesn’t grow chocolate but they do build (crappy) cars. How convenient
Floris Jan van Fleppensteyn
When it comes to chocolate, the US says it’s OK to import products made from slave labor since the violations don’t happen on US territory.
US doesn’t grow chocolate but they do build (crappy) cars. How convenient
I just came back from that area and there were so many people coughing there. I got home sick with what I thought was bronchitis and it’s not going away
Nobody ever asks about gaps on my CV. They always turn me down, list some bullshit reasons, like not enough experience and end with “and then there are some gaps on your cv so yeah”
Well, yes.
Here, cars are not fast. Cities are congested. When I worked on the other side of my small town, getting there by bike or by car cost the same amount of time. In bigger cities there is public transport.
We generally also don’t live hours away from where we work. I got rejected for a jobs because they didn’t believe I’d commute for an hour by car while looking for a new place
When I read about people being frugal, there’s always something like “I now go to restaurants only once a week”, “I’m driving the same car for 5 years”, “you don’t really need 10 subscriptions for x”. Do people really not cook their own food and spend money that much? My only subscriptions are internet and rent, and my savings would be gone if I’d get a car 🤷♂️
Under 25 😅
When my last parent dies, almost half of their property value goes to tax, the rest I’d split with siblings and I’ll maybe get close to being able to consider buying my own place
Their higher-ups all earn exorbitant salaries
I never saw someone got bullied for their clothes in my environment.
But kids got bullied for wearing glasses, let’s hope they ban those then. Also, better to not let kids with weird accents in school. Wouldn’t want to provoke the bullies.