wiki-user: unruffled
- When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called “the People’s Stick.”
- Mikhail Bakunin
Queer/trans gender abolitionist | anarchist | piracy enthusiast
Ok fair enough, I accept the explanation you provided. Folks are taking issue with the following comment in particular.
What does it take to impress you? To what would you assign their disturbing success?
In isolation, this sounds a little too close to admiration for the Nazis, which is why we got some reports about it. It seems to me it’s just unfortunate phrasing, because together with the explanation you just provided, it sounds like a reasonable take for you not to want to paint them like some hapless foe that was easily defeated, because that discounts the difficulties faced by those who fought the bastards.
What point are you trying to make here
the owls are not what they seem
sohn eines schweinehundes!
Keep 'em coming.
Shooting Russians I guess.
There a whole article about Russian disinformation on this topic here. They certainly did have a pact with the Nazis. Your argument is basically “it didn’t happen, but if it did then it the West forced us into it” which is a 100% classic disinformation line. It’s like when Putin says there is no war with Ukraine, but if there is it’s because the West forced us to do it.
I’m not suggesting study bias, but I am suggesting that Chinese citizens’ social media and internet use is now so closely monitored by the CPP that it has a chilling effect on free speech, and this may have influenced the results even if they were told the study was anonymous.
Secondly, since Xi took power, according to that same report, he has “effectively sidelined functional and professional institutions of party and state”, in addition to removing term limits. These are all classic authoritarian strongman moves. The study goes on to point out that having an effective authoritarian as leader - one who has helped improve the lives of many Chinese citizens - is of course going to be popular. The old saying goes that a benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government, and that may be true in some regards, right up until the point it isn’t benevolent anymore. Which is more or less inevitable imo.
It couldn’t possibly be that people are too scared to criticize the CCP, right? … right?
It’s already been requested as a feature request, see
fuckin’ oath, cunt (“yes, I agree”, in Australian)
Cut it out, dumbass.
Hard agree with you on that. AI generated articles are a disaster for the internet. There’s just no quality control any more, especially when actual authoritative sites are no longer in the top search results. Now we’ve got tons more crap-tier content on the internet and no way to differentiate it from the useful content.
You should see some of the usernames I’ve seen reported from the instance. I’m not going to post any but it seems like there is no moderation of usernames at all as far as I can tell. Major oversight on their part.
I know, it’s difficult when people pile on with bad faith takes. Anyway don’t worry, I think it’s clear what you meant now.