If you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed, if you do read the news, you’re misinformed.
If you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed, if you do read the news, you’re misinformed.
this link goes into light detail of how laws were written and enforced in ancient times, starting with tribal or clan based blood fueds and eventually turning to a more societal run and funded system.
The romans had engineers and fire fighting crews. Nearly every society has had some kind of police/army/guard to enforce laws. Farmers actually opened the door to most other jobs/careers because people didn’t have to rely on themselves to grow or collect their own food which left more time to become an engineer, learn math, become a salesman or any other job that could be filled.
There often is a button or too within the dash cluster to change things like the trip meter or cluster brightness
Its actually a good thing to have diversity of incomes in a neighborhood rather than just “oh thats the poor neighbourhood.”
I don’t want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these!!!
If I was the plumber called out to that mess, that would be the day I quit.
Bioaccumulation concentrates more pollutants the higher up the food chain you go. It is part of why most meat we eat comes from vegetarian animals. The fish we eat are often predatory so common advice is the keep the smaller and younger ones that are still big enough to be worth filleting. You don’t actually want to eat a trophy sized fish because they’ve accumulated more pollutants. Trophy sized fish are better off being realsed, they are often good breeders and help keep healthy population numbers.
Yeah, they’ll probably harvest your organs first so that process should kill you before they start eating.
I know several people who will take roadkill if they can confirm the freshness by either witnessing the accident or knowing that the kill recently appeared. I myself almost took a deer once. It was a cold night and the deer wasn’t on the corner at midnight. But it was there at 6am while still cold outside. If I had the time and space id have likely brought it home to at least assess the meat.
Probably about a gram in the joint/blunt and there is a fair amount in the jar on the left. I’d bet its about 3-4 grams just in the jar on the left. They also probably included the full weight of the roll with filter, not just the herb.
2-3 grams is defintely selling it short. We also have no idea how dense the buds are. Tightly packed buds can be surprisingly heavier than loose buds.
Its super useful, like how many dusters can I make out of this stack of 680 textiles? Or how many farming tiles minimum should i have per colonist or animal, how much pemmican for a caravan, i can get rough idea in my head but sometimes for bills or if you’re short on labor being exact is nice.
Real time strategy and stuff. If i get a 15% bonus to a resource, sometimes i wanna know how much per turn that bonus is worth. Or in games like rimworld I’ll do things like meals X #ofcolonists X number of days storage X 2meals per day. You could also do the same in RPGs while trying to decide what gear/perks gives you the best stats.
Ah, thats actually a realistic number for me as i use my calculator for work, finances, and some games too.
So turn on your limiter if you want to spend less time
You can get a screen time app that tracks and can limit the amount of time spent on specific apps
EPA and revitalize auto industry is obviously a conflict of interest.
And we’ve also got a bigger housing bubble
Soon, many of us won’t be able to afford to drive at all, it would be nice if we had other options
Then the 2 actors fall in genuine love but are both too fearful to speak the truth about being actors for fear of ruining what they have. Then we can make that situation into a spinoff series sitcom.