In my opinion, it’s been a beautiful and cultural exchange.
In my opinion, it’s been a beautiful and cultural exchange.
China wants to keep Western propaganda away from their people because it’s capitalist swill. It’s within their best interest to open up Chinese propaganda to Western audiences though. It’s all about home field advantage.
When Khrushchev took power he had many of the documents from the Stalin and Lenin eras burned. Early Soviet history is essentially non existent and impossible to prove with what little is left. Most official documentation is destroyed. Lenin may have just liked using that quote when he read it elsewhere. We can have truly know.
Oh yeah, I forgot the other social media apps don’t collect data and spew propaganda. Oh wait… They do.
Vanya did transition to Victor in the show.
This made me realize two things about Harry Potter. 1: why do the wizards not simply use magic AND guns? 2: oculus repairo is a stupid fucking spell. You’re telling me there’s a specific spell just for repairing glasses? That’s just bad writing.
Profit sharing fixes all of this because it provides incentives for everyone to go the extra mile so they can make more money.
The bar in the picture says it’s a kilo which is $65, 344. While I could agree with OP that 10 kilos would give you an average house in higher priced areas like new York or LA, it would definitely buy you several nice houses in 1920.
That’s solidarity right there
I’ll be far too full after eating the rich to also eat the janitor.
Just tell everyone you’re a socialist. That usually does it for me.
I started using that back in middle school, too, but I never gave up.
The NLRB just made a new ruling that states if companies are found to have committed illegal acts during unionization election efforts will be forced to immediately bargain with the union rather than just have to run the election again. We’re still not as strong as Europe when it comes to workers rights, but we’re getting better.
This comment section is full of morons. Socialism is when workers own and operate the means of production democratically. Read a book
I was on Reddit every day for 14+ years. July 1st I came to Lemmy and never looked back.
Capitalism is not “when you have markets.” I totally agree that it’s important to have well regulated markets. But capitalism perverts democracy with bribery and lobbying. Democratic Socialism is when you have a democratic government and a democratic economy.
You’re showing statues of Lenin in countries in which the Dictatorship of the Proletariat failed to cede power to the working class and establish a socialist economic structure.
When Lenin took power, Russia had nothing. It was in the middle of WW1, there were regular famines, almost everyone was illiterate, and it was in no condition to establish a socialist economic plan. So, Lenin created a temporary economic model called The Dictatorship of the Proletariat. This is a centrally planned economy designed to rapidly develop infrastructure and industry in a country that has none. Lenin was already ceding power to the worker’s councils when he died. Stalin decided he liked The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and did not cede power back to the worker’s councils.
Those countries never experienced Communism. They never even experienced socialism. They destroyed those statues because they hated The Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Living in a system designed for a short temporary economic boom for decades is no fun.
The Bear and Hell Let Loose. It’s a restaurant sim in the middle of a battlefield in WW2.
I sense no bias in this meme