I assume they thought they would get more personal information from people when they ALREADY STOLE IT ALL IN THE FIEST PLACE.
Glad to see these companies realizing they are wasting money on this mostly useless trash
I assume they thought they would get more personal information from people when they ALREADY STOLE IT ALL IN THE FIEST PLACE.
Glad to see these companies realizing they are wasting money on this mostly useless trash
Acer increases laptop priced by 10% then blames tariffs. Increases costs again when actual cost increase from tariffs come through
I just disable it on system boot. Company hates that I’m not using OneDrive…
I’ll throw crap in SharePoint, but I also won’t use that dogshit ‘service’ either.
I don’t want people touching my reports. It’s my shit. View only.
I’m amused that a pet food company had an article explain that mustard is bad for dogs and should never be given to them.
I checked their ingredients that they use in their dogfood and mustard is on the list…
Like…what the fuk…
I reside to speak to robots or acknowledge them. The only vocab it gets from me is repeatedly saying human or customer service over and over…
Some drive throughs have even implemented a ‘white voiced’ robot here, it’s clear it’s not human because it’s usually cut off by a real person with an actual accent which I prefer. I keep my windows closed for a few seconds because I don’t even want to hear their bs telling me what to do. I won’t comply to a robot
It’s probably the semi
Toss the fork
You can break the other mug that’s stick, the weird handle isn’t in the way and the champaign glasses well, whatever. They can collect dust.
Lost trust, or never had trust to begin with.
I have personally lost trust as companies used to at least ACT like they gave a rats ass. They have clearly shown they don’t give a flying Frick and do whatever they want, whenever they want and are extremely open about it now.
Teens and younger I feel have never seen companies that give the impression they care. I’m talking like 2015+ birthed children.
It’s like when ‘influencers’ push a certain touristy destination. That place goes from quaint and peaceful, to literal hell on earth, people destroying stuff, not paying attention, over crowded, garbage everywhere…same thing happens at the gym…people who dedicate their time to ensuring they stay healthy get pushed out by people filming themselves, people standing around talking about dumb crap, using all the machines improperly and taking up all the parking space because a group of 4 can’t carpool…fads ruin things
Should put a big red X on the last guy…just to shake em up a bit.
We were all also educated on never putting your personal information online. Now look at the majority.
Nobody thinks it looks like a DeLorean.
Dryer, dashboard in the car, chalupa farts
Anything 140c or higher basically.
"Use Session Installer on both F-Droid and F-Droid Basic, including support for automatic background updates” - yes, this is the big one, the one that everybody wanted since forever. On Android 12 or later, apps will be autoupdated after the first install or first update, no root, no unlocking, no PrivExt needed.
Love how companies try to claim that software voids hardware warranty without ever proving it. Well, they try anyways
Canadian money is heatshrink
still laughs in 1080 ti
Like 90% of American packaged food has corn in it. I’d say yes.