Yep, one has a donkey mascot and one an elephant. They are definitely different.
Yep, one has a donkey mascot and one an elephant. They are definitely different.
So an intern can spend all day clearing out a voicemail inbox? Unfortunately I think we are past peaceful phone canvassing. Nothing will meaningfully change until the owner class have fear in their heart.
The Jimmy Johns app is atrocious in this regard.
“Buy 16 sandwiches this month for free cookie!”
Fucken nerds.
Fury Road was a Mad Max film that came out a few years ago. It was a great movie, not only for the story, but also for the effects. Its scale was massive.
In the months and years immediately following Fury Road, it was heralded as a turning point in cinema that rejected CGI in favor of practical effects. It was cast as a rejection of CGI and a return to classic practical effects. In recent years, however, we’ve started to reject that narrative. If you watch the movie closely, you realize it is chock-full of CGI. We just never noticed because it was done so well, and the way it was effortlessly folded into practical elements made the CGI extremely immersive. I think the lesson we all learned was that CGI, when complemented with seamless practical effects, makes for a killer visual experience.
More like if democracy breaks, people don’t vote. Apathy doesn’t come out of thin air.
Why are his feet out of frame? 🤔
People in the know who make big yellow equipment have taken note of the massive, unprecedented uptick in militarized machine sales to the middle east. Graders, specifically. They’re planning on paving over everything.
Nah man, you definitely want a deal on a Lime scooter rental even though you’re 500 miles from the nearest one.
I mean, the $200 does encourage me to create a monopoly and simultaneously extract maximum wealth from my opponents while also taking their homes. Not sure if the monopoly analogy is useful here.
UBI is capitalists’ best attempt at breathing life into capitalism. The benefits of UBI in the global north would still be at the expense of exploitation in the global south.
This only logical conclusion to this naive utilitarianism is reaching a point 30 years from now when liberals will be frothing at the mouths in support of the dem candidate who wants 5 genocides as opposed to the republican who wants 10.
There is a legend about a certain species of caterpillar that can only cross the threshold of metamorphosis by seeing its future butterfly. Proletarian subjectivity does not evolve by incremental steps but requires non-linear leaps, especially moral self-recognition through solidarity with the struggle of a distant people, even when this contradicts short-term self-interest, as in the famous cases of Lancashire cotton workers’ enthusiasm for Lincoln and later for Gandhi. Socialism, in other words, requires non-utilitarian actors, whose ultimate motivations and values arise from structures of feeling that others would deem spiritual. Marx rightly scourged romantic humanism in the abstract, but his personal pantheon—Prometheus and Spartacus, Homer, Cervantes, and Shakespeare—affirmed a heroic vision of human possibility that no longer seems to have any purchase in our fallen world.
Mike Davis