You aren’t giving it to them so why would anyone bother giving it to you?
Isn’t that the point being made by he/she/they? (now I don’t know what to call @Bondrewd )
I don’t think Bondrewd was “preemptivelly” calling them “morons”. The way I read it, Bondrewd was referring to those “who don’t give me the same benefit of the doubt”. Bondrewd did not specify if those who complained belonged to any particular “group of people”, what was said is that they did do that so, given that, he won’t bother.
Also note that there’s more than one party here… the ones scolding/complaining are not necessarily the same ones being “misgendered”, so that’s why there can be different "they"s involved. The ones that don’t give the benefit of the doubt (regardless of whether they are the ones being misgendered) are the ones that, according to your own statement: we don’t have to “bother giving it to them”
In the past, English had “thou” for 2nd person singular and “you” was exclusive to the 2nd person plural.
I don’t see why that can’t happen with “they” vs “he/she” too.
Though it’s a bit sad that it would likely result in a more ambiguous language that could potentially lead to misunderstandings. Unless we start to use constructs like “they all” for adding specificity, in a similar way as how “you all” (or y’all) is sometimes used.