Change happens very slowly then all at once - unknown, to me. I didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole, it’s 0330
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Change happens very slowly then all at once - unknown, to me. I didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole, it’s 0330
I like my n100 mini and usb drives. A full fat server has little WAF when the selling point is an LLM. The n100 handles all our needs sadly.
A dozen or so LXCs. A dozen or so docker containers. A couple VMs, including a Mint VM to turn my android tablet into a desktop. They were sold as a great little home lab, and that they are.
Then again, it’s a year old and I’m only beginning in this hobby.
My main was on fmhy. That got nuked so I browsed using this acct. Then made another alt. The mods here are in a constant state of clarity, it’s pretty good.
This is the generous interpretation and the one I’m picking. Seems like a stressful situation for all, so a lot can be forgiven.
I can even understand “k” as response. What can mum do except give the kid, and mum, space to solve the problem? “I understand, I’m calling the police now” or just call the police. One saves time, one wastes it.
I could even understand it being a “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” response. Executive function is gone, here’s a “k” while I melt.
Lots of room here before jumping to mum being the worst person in the world.
Alright, a bread sandwich is interesting. Now I love me some bread, but doesn’t the distinction between loaf 1 and loaf 2 get lost in all the breadyness? If they want a hybrid loaf they probably make those. I suppose at 4 they’re not making themselves, but the bread maker… you… might.
I thought I loved bread, perhaps I merely enjoy it.
Bread is my favourite carb, and it isn’t close. I had a period in my teens of sandwiching everything. Chili? Sandwich. Curry? Sammich. Stews? You guessed it: big mess.
Facebook does the same tracking and data harvesting. Is Facebook up to be banned? It isn’t the tracking and data harvesting.
Person 1: I think it’s because the tracking and data harvesting
Person 2: that’s an obvious lie (see above)
You: I think aliens did it
Absolute legend. Know that you have introduced great joy into the world this day!
You didn’t lend it to me, don’t check. My fiancée found a couple of knorks in the same style, because she’s long suffering. She flatly refused buying them for daily use though. Some people hate progress I swear. So I’m looking for dining table appropriate aesthetics, despite us not having a dining room table.
“Do you wanna know how I got theses scars?! Google spife” roll credits
Does anyone know where I could get a knork and spife set? We’re too lazy to grab a knife from the draw so just use the side of the regular utensils anyways
Nah, I’m a terrible communicator at the best of times. Worse this is a heated topic where revelations come after the fact if at all.
I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t see the brazen hypocrisy.
Here’s my entire premise: if you’re going to be setting purity checks, make sure you pass them first. That’s it, you can try distract with “others fail it worse” all you want, but it’s just a distraction. I’ll try keep you on track though:
Pug chose both to support genocide and be judged for their failure of attempt at moral superiority. Stop defending them, you’re only making Pug look worse.
“I really wish people would stop judging me for being part of the ‘Pro-Genocide Club’ [actual consequences of my (In)action], I’M not pro-genocide! [My intention were pure]”
Now you’re getting it. A genuine moment of self reflection on Lemmy.
1 claims to be anti-genocide.
2 votes for a pro-genocide party.
3 “war is peace” any vote for non-genocide is actually a vote for pro-genocide Orwellian nonsense.
4 posits purity test they cant pass themselves.
You summarised them perfectly.
“I really wish people would stop judging me for being part of the ‘Pro-Genocide Club’, I’M not pro-genocide!”
Votes for a little bit of genocide, as a treat
Oh, I just watched that episode of Serial Experiments Lain.
Personally running an Argon Neo on the pi 4, zero complaints. Flirc is better looking by half (imho), but the Neo out performs it thermally (with the cover off, at least the articles I read claimed as much when I was looking).
I’m running it as a pihole/jellyfin&servarr passively cooled with zero problems.
Edit, one complaint: I sometimes regret not setting up NVME support, instead I have the OS on a USB SSD. That, a USB HDD, an ethernet cable, and USB keyboard mouse makes the IO a little crowded.
Fuck me for not wanting to die to industrial negligence I guess.