Thanks for explaining. It’s all clear now. Great news.
Thanks for explaining. It’s all clear now. Great news.
Household waste in a commercial building? I’m totally confused.
Good for them. If it works, it will have to be widely adopted. I can say that phones have taken a degree of the joy out of parenting when there are no societal boundaries.
I never made the connection, but now that you say it, it seems obvious.
“ Orbán left the room when the decision on enlargement was taken… This allowed for an unanimous decision from the European Council, which … was completely legal under EU law.”
This sounds almost cartoonish. Was it a coincidence or a case of “quick, while he’s gone!”
Great result anyway.
Edit: Now I’m thinking that it suited him not to object but that he couldn’t be seen to allow it, so he did it on purpose The rant online could have been the usual far-right theatrics.
That’s right. I just assumed that that in itself would eliminate red tape for the corrupt.
I would have thought all the forged papers necessary would be hard enough but maybe it is easier than the straight path.
Any idea why they are stealing kids in the first place? My first thought is infertility, but Russia has adoption.
Way too late but good to see.
I think you’re missing your point. It’s what we do to ourselves when we dehumanise others that’s the issue. I don’t see a difference between the vulgarity of those dishonest, gaslighting conservatives and people who talk like you did above.
Europe has many languages. So, no. But I agree, what a sad story.
I didn’t mention skin colour, you did. Nice try.
They shouldn’t have to become “Swedes” to be considered acceptable. Do we have good data on certain countries having higher crime rates than others? Because often with these measurements, they are done differently in each country, making comparisons difficult.
My god. I live in the country I was born in and even I can see that the odds are not stacked equally for immigrants. Sorry, but it’s hard to take your comment in good faith, hence the downvote.
“Sweden has never before seen anything like this,”
Sweden has since sharply restricted migration levels, citing rising crime levels and other social problems.
I’m personally very pro immigration and think we need to get better at it as climate refugees become more common.
How did things get so bad in Sweden? Like, did they fail to facilitate integration or was there an abnormally high level of criminals among their immigrant population?
Yes, I assume if this happens once then it happens more regularly. It sounds absolutely draining.
I think people don’t realise that racism doesn’t just mean intentional and pre-meditated behaviour, but also inherent biases. Biases that we should really be educated on to make the lives of our fellow humans better.
I find myself feeling really bad for both the kid and the person handing out the medal.
In a room full of one skin colour and one or two outliers, I can imagine myself being socially clumsy enough to not see them at first and then feel too embarrassed or scared to admit why I overlooked them. I bet it’s even happened to me.
The organisation made an entire mess of this and made the life’s of all concerned more painful.
I set up SAMBA so that I don’t have to keep a copy of the content on my computer. I also don’t need an application. But, setting up the SAMBA server requires a few terminal commands and editing a text file.
Even if “we were lied to”, it’s a vulgar lie to vote for, true or not. No?
Maybe within whatever bubble this article is aimed at, but I think it will be the vast minority who get that. But, we should push for it all around the world.