its just self teleportation so you’ll have to do it by the arm load
its just self teleportation so you’ll have to do it by the arm load
beans killed my father in a shootout on the range, ill never touch a bean in my life toast or no
no way are you finishing a company takeover in a month
Ill show up to dealership row and just start buying out car dealerships until I hit 100m and have that done in an afternoon
Congrats! I never said that. First, Clinical Depression is a serious matter and shame on you for trying to suggest that any amount of just thinking differently would change the outcome.
Oh my bad.
This you?
Men should reject these ideas that men are the default providers or leaders. Believe those are true is an irrational trap. Men can be leaders or providers, but so can women.
Rejecting ideas -> changing the way they think
And not only that, you for some reason think that everyone should change their opinions to match your world view.
Sorry, I reject your giant wall of pedantry and goal post moving.
I don’t disagree that these ideas exist. Some cultures far more than others. In most western cultures however, the embrace of acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women work to combat this. The recognition that they’ve had it bad for hundreds of years and this new problem with men is a short term whiplash.
“Have they tried rejecting their depression? what, are they stupid?”
This is how it feels, and the reality of actually existing, Men are frequently valued based off of their potential(earning or otherwise) in the real world, just by saying you reject it isn’t going to make this suddenly not true and just clear everything up in your life.
The solution to a young mans worry about his potential and place in life is… acknowledging the contributions and strengths of women? that is an opinion.
I know, instead of not paying teachers lets have twice as many teachers/teachers on call all day, and still not pay them.
exactly santa brings the sack, he figured it out.