Thank you, fellow crewmates, I’m off. And when I return, I shall be a cabin man.
😑 every day we stray further from God’s light edit:typo
Posthumously…so he died? Rip loyal delivery driver
“Crypto for Christ” was right there and they blew right past it.
This meme was devised by a clever person, that kind of stuff doesn’t belong here!
This explains why Tom Cruise is the way that he is.
“It’s not going to work out, I only date guys that can type over 100 wpm.”
Men want one two things, and it’s fucking refreshing.
And the cannons can detect if they’re native to Wisconsin or not and dish out death accordingly. Really helpful against burrowed units too.
This post is a fever dream and I’m all for it!
This is indeed me irl. I even have that whimsical smirk
Arent cheetahs naturally docile and friendly towards humans? Maybe you would just want pets after your cheetah-plasty
I love God so much he took the kids and filed a restraining order against me.
Truly, the Swiss army knife of explosives.