Shout out for what I believe approximately to be an Adventure Time reference
Shout out for what I believe approximately to be an Adventure Time reference
Smart. So many downvotes for expressing an opinion that is basically just “maybe don’t accuse all men of shitty, sexist behavior?”
And then the responses that are basically “this form of prejudice is okay because of reason x, y, and z” or “i know weren’t talking about me so its okay”.
Turn a blind eye, got it.
100%. Also, I can’t believe people are down voting this comment. I guess people love the hypocrisy? Why do I even bother.
Seeing as how it says “guys”, you’re just choosing to ignore the plain-face meaning in favor of your own interpretation. If you reverse the gender roles, everyone would be going wild about it being anti-women. Choosing not to act is the same as choosing to enable sexist behavior, whether you like it or not.
I will not “be mad at the other men who helped create this scenario” because I am not responsible for their actions, and I have no idea who they are. How about you stop being sexist and spend the effort it takes to be angry at the specific niche subgroup of people who pissed you off?
It’s annoying to have never called a woman emotional, and then to be called emotional in response to something I’ve never done.
Its almost like whoever made this meme is doing the exact same thing they’re complaining about–hilarious.
Well of course I’d do a chargeback to McDonald’s, lmao. Are you supporting McDonald’s getting free money for messed up food? You’re ridiculous. I absolutely will charge back a McDonald’s or any other business that messes something up and won’t make it right.
Your comment is the opposite of a “gotcha” you creepy freak
2nd edit: i think other people should do chargebacks too instead of letting shitty corporate policies rob them of their hard-earned money.
Bruh, it’s so real. I made a comment that whenever I get messed up food at a restaurant, id rather just ask for a refund than ask for a replacement. Obviously there’s a lot of nuance in this comment, but I had people taking all kinds of meanings from it. One guy told me I was a complete asshole and some other stuff, just because I’d rather have a refund at the McDonald’s instead of asking the overworked, underpaid employees to remake my order as I sat in the drive-through, and so I wouldn’t have to pull over and wait even longer.
People just want to be pissed off and angry.
Just a pick a new job from the magical job tree, where jobs are free and plentiful and ripe for the taking
For reals. I’m mid-30s and I only remember hearing about this when I was younger. I’d completely forgotten about it, and never would have asked for or suggested it happen.
Good job bringing it back to the forefront so misogynistic men can know of it and use it to torment a fresh, new generation of women.
If your partner jokes about having surgery done to you without your consent, just leave them–whether you’re a man or a woman.
Why are you assuming my gender?
I can tell you’re just going to need some months or years to think it over.
Almost sounds like it’s fine when people choose, but is a problem when people are forced. Odd
Humans also do not die when they are shackled and locked in a dark room for years or decades, as long as you feed them. How is you argument sounding now?
For reals. This is the browser equivalent of being concerned that your car only has 14-way adjustable seats instead of 16, or whatever the marketing team dreamed up last year.
Right? What kind of wildly niche activities are people doing where FF doesn’t work? All of my stuff works, and I’ve never had any weirdness. I browse art, shop online, do social media (a little), check my email, use auction sites, and watch Plex and other streaming services.
There must be an entire corner of the internet I don’t even know about.
Yeah, why were you in the left lane? Slower vehicles keep to the right, jackass
Didn’t even notice that at first. All I could see were the thousand-yard stares
Costco had zero eggs today. This never happened under the Biden administration lawl