Pride flag?
You are aware it will take almost 3 years to fill it if you keep this up every single day?
You forgot the /s
Or the helmet. I mean, if you’re not wearing a helmet, you’re not covering yourself appropriately and kind of asking to get hit in the head, right? I’m not blaming you if someone clubs you, but you do make it really easy and you should think about what kind of attention you’re asking and what kind of message that sends when you’re not wearing a helmet in public.
(Can’t find the source of the pastor that got this IRL)
Thanks for your feedback, I was guesstimating off the top of my head. On doing some research, I see meat cows are usually slaughtered at 18 months - 2 years old in the Netherlands.
5-6 years is the number I see for dairy cows.
Of course, something that eats cows that eat a shitton of plastic, will have even more plastic in it.
But that doesn’t mean that it’s healthy to eat an animal that has been fed (assuming they are slaughtered at 3 years, and ignoring the climate impact, the ethics of slaughtering an animal in its youth, etc)…
41 kg of plastic
a massively decreased interest in game design as a career.
This is worth a lot though. It takes many people a few years of their life, a burnout and a lot of mental healthcare to get to this point.
Great job on the title
Don’t stop me, don’t stop me, hey hey hey HEEY
Yes I thought the same. Except for coconut.
Coconut “oil” is a fat if you’re using the regular definition of room temperature. It’s solid at room temperature and has high saturated fat content (>90%), even worse than dairy (~60-70%). I know there are some other aspects to it that makes people enthusiastic but I don’t think there is any solid evidence that those aspects compensate the huge amount of saturated fat.
You should get about 2x more unsaturated than saturated fats. So dairy, pork and coconut fat should not be a large part of the fat in your diet.
Indeed, olive oil, flaxseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil and basically every oil except coconut has more unsaturated than saturated fat and will help you balance your fat types.
Source: am vegan and have family with inherited heart/cholesterol problems. I’ve been reading ingredients and nutritional values on all food packaging for a while now
Shat is the past tense of the verb to shit, methinks
See dah’s wye aye sèh Bri’ish, i’s inkloosiv wen a mnoh shoah witch country i’s from
I’s Bri’ish, ri’en foanettically, rye?
Pe’haps “Shet Maahsel” is maw clee?
I’m sorry, it seems I misinterpreted your comment by a lot.
I read about Slavoy Zizek’s philosophy and ideas and in that context, “I would prefer not to” is the ultimate rejection of capitalism and some sort of super-resistance, if I understood correctly.
I thought you meant to dismiss the whole group of ideas without reading them based on how convinced you are of Zizek’s ideas, and were blaming me for “supporting the system”. That’s why I reacted so aggressively, I’m sorry, that was bullshit.
P.S. I do tend to get stuck in these rabbit holes of philosophy.
I’m not sure if I should feel sad for you, or envious. To be so certain of your own point of view and take pride in not taking other ideas seriously. It must give some sense of calm but at the same time, you miss out on so much. I won’t ask or recommend you anything though, I read the thing. Enjoy your wall staring. Let’s hope it will make the world a better place.
Highly recommend. It’s easy to dismiss as weird bullshit initially but enlightening when you put in the effort to understand.
To be clear, I am no longer strongly convinced of or against person affecting views and take both seriously.
This is a good starting point:
I think you make a great point. Have you read about the problems with “person-affecting views”? It’s admittedly a bit harder to grasp, but doesn’t seem less problematic to me.
Not a huge Potter fan. Can someone list some of the names that provide the context?