You will be shocked but absolutely everything in Catholicism is based on myth and “cool story bro” scenarios.
You will be shocked but absolutely everything in Catholicism is based on myth and “cool story bro” scenarios.
Another great point.
Sure, “when proven wrong, scream strawman!”. During this entire discourse you didn’t come up with a single argument to support your position and now you complain that I’m not changing my mind. Mind boggling.
Generally folk minimizing are in support of the thing they claim to be in opposition of.
That’s a really dumb statement. Being realistic is not minimizing. Minimizing is not supporting.
If I create a post saying “Climate change will kills us all by 2025” and you’ll will disagree you’re minimizing and supporting oil industry? Not agreeing with obviously wrong statements is now bootlicking?
Basically for you, anything that’s not agreeing with the groupthink is supporting the other side, no matter the arguments. This sort of stupid, reactionary thinking only creates bubbles and turns away potential supporters. It’s like when protesters in US were calling for ‘abolishing police’ and anyone trying to explain it’s unrealistic and de-founding should be the goal was shut down as police supported. Where did it get the protesters? No where. So good luck with your fight. You will also get nowhere.
I’m not saying it will be good. It will be worse, just not as bad as you think.
Missed that part? I’m selling fascism by saying it will be worse? What do you think is it? Reverse psychology?
nothing will change for vast majority of people.
A lot of people already live under extreme right wing governments (Russia, India, Venezuela, Iran, Israel… the list goes on), not much will change there. A lot of people live in very stable democracies that also will not get affected by those changes. I believe majority of people will be fine. Is that supporting fascism?
Would slide to the right be good for business? Probably, corporations like right wing governments. Global economy will not collapse, there will be no world war III. Wow, what a strong statement of support for fascism!
You saw someone not crying out loud that fascist will kill as all and got triggered, simple.
You just didn’t understand what you read and got triggered. Relax, go for a walk or something.
Really? Please, point out the vitriol in my comments. You’re the one talking about licking boots all the time. You’re the abusive one here. (Of course I don’t expect you to realize it now, you don’t strike me a s someone capable of admitting they were wrong)
Oh, ok, I see what’s going on here. You see, since you started listing all those other countries I thought you actually are referring to global situation. Now I see you’re only talking about USA, That’s why I said you’re exaggerating. USA is not the whole world. The world will be fine. USA taking more isolationist stance may even be good for everyone else. But thanks for explaining to me, an European, what fascism is. We really don’t know anything about it here. Only Americans understand this phenomenon. Can you also explain to me what democracy and freedom is?
Are you talking about me or yourself now? Seams like you intended this for me but you actually perfectly described your comments.
Sure sure, keep repeating that to yourself.
If you think ‘2024 is going to be the beginning of the end of us all’ means “Hey, let’s be careful” than sadly I can’t help you with your poor reading comprehension.
So posting on lemmy and boycotting businesses you don’t like. Awesome.
Hey guys, don’t worry about the future, this guy will totally stop fascism. We’re fine.
Dude, the topic of this post is “2024 is going to be the beginning of the end of us all”. It says “No I’m not catastrophising.”, " I’m going to be crushed" and “The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist …”.
Now you’re trying to say it all just means “hey we should really check out this smoke billowing under the door”. Jesus fucking Christ, you really don’t see it? To prove how wrong I am claiming OP is exaggerating you yourself had to tone down his rhetoric by 90%. If the OP would say “Hey, we should be careful or the extreme right will take over and dismantle some of our rights” I would totally agree. But yeah, keep pretending he was reasonable and I disagreed with his totally rational, toned down arguments.
I wonder what you’re doing about the imminent world war that’s so brave and non-bootlicking.
Then you don’t understand fascism.
Ok, I guess we’ll see who was right in a couple of years. But I’m genuinely surprised so many people think we will have nuclear apocalypse in a couple of years. Sounds more like silly groupthink and coping than honest concern. But if you really think you’re a year or two away for unimaginable suffering or death I feel for you. Has to be terrible.
I guess what I’m saying is that there will be no world war or genocides. Was that really so difficult to understand? Like, you really think I was suggesting that genocide is not that bad?
I’m starting to love the groupthink here. “The world is ending. Yes, yes, it’s the end. Let’s down-vote anyone slightly less pessimistic”.
Same way capitalism and globalization is good for business? Right wing parties tend to oppose social policies and promote income inequality which is good for corporations. Again, not saying it will be good for us. Just that we’ve seen couple if shifts to the right like this already. In a decade or two it will shift back to the left. Except in US, there the empire will collapse but is questionable if it will be net negative for the world.
Make up your mind. OP is also worried about India. Only white people will be fine in India? You pretend to be worried about the whole world but very quickly show that you’re actually only worried about the western countries.
you think that’s okay
Where did I say that? Just because I don’t agree with your extremely pessimist predictions means I think fascism is OK? WTF?
America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.
America, India and Russia where a terrible, terrible places for democracy and minorities for decades now. Only because you’re just now waking up to this fact doesn’t mean the world is sliding into fascism.
Netherlands, Germany and Italy still operate inside EU and still follow all the rules. EU has powerful tools for enforcing those rules, they just managed to force Hungary to back down over Ukraine funding. Poland just had w big swing to the left, as did Spain. EU is sliding to the right, yes, but it’s more a typical, generational shift than embrace of fascism.
Argentina has terrible economic issues, their populism is completely different.
Basically what’s going on is that the American illusion of a democracy is finally collapsing and since I don’t think it’s the end of the world I’m OK with fascism. We all should hold hands with Americans and help them cope with the realization their country is not as great as they thought…
I read somewhere about some secret tooth cherished by some sect that was destroyed by grinding it to dust, mixing with shit and throwing in to the ocean. But guess what? Some fishermen said that he totally found the tooth restored floating on a leaf next to the place where they threw it out. You can’t fight believes with real world methods.