… well, not that realistic, but dreaming is nice.
Have stress,
fuck sex
Fuck, have
stress sex
Ghost don’t haunt places at 3am if there are cats in the vicinity - scheduling issues, cats have dibs that ghosts are bound to honour (they just move their haunting at midnight usually … that is if there are no witches around which too have them outdibed, poor spectres have to haunt at the awkward 1:30am timeslot if they want to get any work done).
He heard y’all line bumps, so we put an optional bump on your bump!
Step-locks, how fun that you installed a swing in your bedroom!
Feels like imperializem merits to be further down the line, if not the last panel.
But yes, good memetics in this meme, gg.
his position on pineapple
He goes on the pineapple, spiky part first - the needle-like pokes feel great on the ol’ pizzaballs
… have you read about any previous popes?
It’s only financial greed/dragon-like hoarding that prevents them from amassing a giant army.
alternate captions
People with apartments (& work hours) like that just might, idk what rich folk do.
And even her fewer for the neatness and elegance of efficiency.
Whoa, never met a fellow cropper.
It aint much but it’s honest and neat work.
Also more private.
Getting sucked for 30 years would def be a drag.
Lol, imagine following instructors on everything, even when you know better.
Responsible scientists terminate their cruel experiment once it’s not needed anymore.