Also Digg for those who remember
Also Digg for those who remember
And again when you see this reply
That is arguable. I wouldn’t want to rob it of its flavor. ‘Wee beast’ is unusual, but it’s fine English already.
I just know it from Schnappy das kleine Krokodil we learned in German class haha
A frog is a wee beast with four legs which lives both in water and on land. He is brown, green, or yellow, or if he is tropical, he may be diverse colors. He has lungs and gills both. He haches from an egg and he then is a tadpole. He grows to be a frog if he is not eaten.
Yep, when we visited most of the houses had little names they would use for their address. Villa Bonita 200m S of xxx
It does still weigh on minds, I think, when justifying government overreach. But that would be like thinking about the Iran hostage crisis in 2001 for policy decisions.
I have this with matching shorts from a few years ago. I thought it was funny.
I thought “yabbut” was some Yiddish slang for a second til I caught the typo.
If they’re game animals, they’re not supposed to be held like livestock. Captive in a game fence is fine usually, but not like in pens.
3 years helpdesk, just over 10 years now truck driving. Pairs well with selfhosted media at the house, but not working on other people’s shit.
They used a pipe intead of “I”, so weird.
That’s not even a dry van, it’s a flatbed with lazy tarps
He was going left his whole career.
I feel like it’s been memory holed, but I remember 00’s flat earth being genuinely smart people using it to illustrate the ridiculousness of teaching creation beside evolution, which was a push around that time. It was a Church of Satan style mockery, but I guess the arguments were too convincing.
As a seperate person, my frenulum gets its own ballot this November.
In Civil Air Patrol they just screwed a ruler into a box.
This stopped me in my tracks also lmao. I was wondering how you get vet bills from playing red rocket.