Well, TikTok can’t get any worse, right?
Well, TikTok can’t get any worse, right?
Even as far back as XP/Vista Microsoft has wanted to run the file system as more of an adaptive database than a classical hierarchical file system.
The leaked beta for Vista had this included and it ran like absolute shit, mostly because harddrives are slow and ram was at a premium, especially in Vista as it was such a bloated piece or shit.
NTFS has since evolved to include more and more of these “smart” file system components.
Now they want to go full on with this “smart” approach to the filesystem.
It’ll still be slow and shit, just like it was 2 decades ago.
deleted by creator
“The party of personal responsibility” has never found an issue they couldn’t blame on someone else.
It’s all projection, all the time.
Oh no, but they sure as hell went balls to the walls Austin Powers tier cartoonishly evil since then.
The thing with Google isn’t that they removed the “don’t be evil” mantra they held for 2 decades.
It’s that in the 5 years since officially removing that mantra, they’ve done their best to be the most cartoonishly evil they can be.
Worst shits I’ve ever had wasn’t from Mexican food. Gas, yes, I don’t do beans all that well.
Worst shits, that would be Indian food, at some street stall in India.
And it’s not like it gave me food poisoning either, I was feeling perfectly fine.
But the poop an hour later was like an explosion of liquid poop.
And the smell. Still the worst thing I’ve ever smelled and I’ve been up close to a corpse flower and eaten Surströmming.
Because it’ll be used by questionable sources to farm accounts with history and of well known people to enroll in astroturfing, propaganda and straight up scams.
I watch them to spectate the inevitable moment she grooms a bonafide ice bear.
This is getting out of hand rather quickly.
I recently was watching some feelgood videos to up my mood (stuff like Thedodo) and one of the channels I landed on, the voice instantly sounded extremely familiar.
I thought “oh, did The Girl with the Dogs start another channel?” but then I listened more carefully and noticed the typical “generated” fragments in the audio.
They aren’t just copying the voices of celebrities, but also of popular YouTubers.
And he did.
If you look at the history of the Goa’uld coming to earth 12000 years ago and ruling most of the Galaxy for nearly as long, Jack ended all that within the confines of a single decade.
That seems to happen a lot with Kbin and Lemmy.
Either you hit add comment and it says it had some error, so you do it again and it actually worked the first time.
Or you hit it once and somehow it posts it twice.
That’s why some apps use this mechanism to gate submissions by a few seconds.
So you can’t submit or edit/save more than once every 5 seconds or so.
Doesn’t matter to Toyota one bit.
Their initial sale isn’t to the middle east or in any way driven by the middle eastern market and tends to be completely done on the merit of the vehicle.
The trucks in the middle east are almost all second hand to the level some people were horrified and surprised when the vehicle they sold in the US, still bearing their logos and name, showed up in videos of insurgents and straight up terrorists in the Middle East.
Yeah, that’s it, I’m GenX, but I actually had a PC in the home as early as I can remember, got my own by age 8 and build my own age 10.
That’s how some of these generational boundaries blur together, where the experience that defines one, can already have been part of the previous in specific circumstances.
And personally, I’ve VERY interested in seeing 10 years down the line when we have the first adults who grew up with on-demand streaming and tablets/phones.
When I was a child, they shoved a picture book in my hands to keep me entertained while sitting still.
Now, you give them a tablet and they can watch YouTube or cartoons, right in their hands.
Really wonder what difference this kind of thing will cause.
And the late Gen-Xers, who, if they were nerds, often were the first to grow up with computers and internet in their lives.
I’m 45, I know plenty people my age who are grandparents.
Me personally, I was always on the bleeding edge of tech, worked in tech all my professional life too, so I’m less affected by this behavior.
But it makes it really hard to keep in touch with people my age online.
I was one of the first to join Facebook and one of the first to abandon it. But I had to make a new Facebook account about 5 years ago because these days my whole family keeps in touch through Facebook and sets up family gatherings through it and Whatsapp and lost the ability to text me that info …
Yeah, the US especially is bad in that way.
And the fact the niceness is clearly forced and fake doesn’t help.
While there is meth in Europe, there’s nowhere near as much of it anywhere in Europe.
Some countries have a rising meth problem, but it’s really nothing compared to the plague it is in the US.
creation of meth
Another thing that barely exists here XD
This medication in most stores crap doesn’t exist here.
I tried TikTok some time ago and got bored with it.
I’m the type that prefers long form content. I watch 20-240 minute videos on YouTube,
I never got into Vines or the Vines/TikTok clone thing YouTube is doing either.
So most of the crap I see from TikTok is here, on Reddit and Mastodon.
And normally only the most entertaining crap from a platform gets to other platforms and I’m not impressed by what I’ve seen, at all.