I feel like if the best reason one has for how they might be able to score a point on her is “but she could make a mistake” they’ve kind of conceded that it’s not actually possible.
I feel like if the best reason one has for how they might be able to score a point on her is “but she could make a mistake” they’ve kind of conceded that it’s not actually possible.
I about died laughing just now. I’m nonbinary but I was curious about what was actually on the page so I clicked the button. My internet is shit sometimes because Spectrum fucking sucks and it chose that moment to drop connection for a second and the page didn’t load.
Not me taking my morning adderall dose on a chill day so I can get my brain to shut up and let me go back to bed.
One of the worst aspects of this for me is how brutal the means testing is for many assistance programs. They often turn eligibility into a sheer cliff face where the second you make even a dollar more than the cutoff you lose the whole benefit. But even if they don’t and there’s a more gradual reduction you’re often on multiple assistance programs if you’re poor and the reduction to all of them often puts you in a worse place than you stated in.
My partner is fully disabled, she’s got neurological issues where she’ll be pretty much fine one minute but with maybe like an hour at most of warning she could be fully incapacitated from a migraine brought on by pseudotumor. Not even because of the pain, she starts having trouble walking, standing up straight, remembering what she was doing. Sometimes she temporarily loses access to years of her life like the Cosmic Dungeon Master said “Roll 2d20, that’s how old you think you are for the next 2d4 hours”
So obviously that makes having me work right now basically impossible. Very few jobs are cool with your availability being subject to that kind of rapid change. So I stay home to take care of her and our kids. But back when her symptoms weren’t so severe and I could work I had to be very careful what kind of jobs I found because depending on how much I made we actually ended up losing more in assistance than what I made that caused us to go over.
Fantastic example, our oldest just got approved for SSI because they relaxed some of the asset/income restrictions and now my wife’s disability benefit isn’t too much money for him to qualify. We get Section 8 so our portion of rent is based on our income so our rent went up when he got SSI. Our SNAP amount also went down because our income went up. He got approved for like 200 something in SSI and between the rent going up and SNAP going down at the end of the day we get like $10 dollars more a month than we did prior to him getting it. This shit happens everywhere with these kinds of programs and is one of the many reasons people get trapped in poverty.
He/They because I’ll never be Him.
Why do I get the feeling they’re hoping the gun will go off and then they can get their bottom surgeryreconstruction covered?
If I had to guess I’d say either sensory issues with drinking alcohol itself, or the fact that drinking is another one of those social things that many only do because “it’s what people do”
In my case it’s a sensory thing but I also apparently have that gene that that makes you really sensitive to bitter. So even the fruitiest “you can’t even taste the alcohol” drink tastes to me like paint thinner smells.
I didn’t figure out I was nonbinary and asexual until my mid twenties. I had an entire gender crisis in high school too. But at the time I didn’t know either were things you could be so I’d just concluded that I was cis, but that I was deeply uncomfortable with the expectations society puts on boys/men.
Sexuality was an even wilder journey. Not only did I initially think I was heterosexual but I was outright homophobic. Turned out to be that I was mistaking being uncomfortable at overt sexual advances as dislike of gay people. I didn’t have the same problem with women because “of course I like girls, I just haven’t found The One™©® yet” lol. Then when I finally thought about it more I realized that I didn’t really feel any differently about men and women so I must be bi. Finally I eventually realized “Yeah dumbass, 0 = 0. Good job.”
According to the Wikipedia page the phonetics would be [ˈblôːhaj]
Or as one of my twins says it “Hello hi”
I might be wrong in this. My understanding is that it is flammable, but not when it’s “solid” if that makes sense. That a fire would have to be on it and burning hot enough for long enough to start melting the tar then that could burn. But the asphalt itself isn’t likely to just catch fire from a lighting strike or something and just continue to burn.
Nah I’ve definitely done a quick heel-toe walk across an area to get a ballpark of distance. Along with basically any other body part I could reasonably use to measure something when I don’t have a tape measure on me at that moment.
I’ve also previously measured and I know that for example my bare foot is about 11 inches long heel to toe and that my shoe makes it about 12. I could do exactly the same thing with metric.
Most of the prominent right wing personalities are failed Hollywood types. Ben Shapiro wanted to be a screenwriter, Michael Knowles had a failed acting career, Crowder tried to do stand up in addition to the voice work in Arthur being discussed here. Seriously, SO MANY OF THEM have some kind of failed entertainment career prior to their ascent to right wing talking heads.
I had to Google it myself. It’s apparently a psych term to refer to trauma one might carry relating to the loss or otherwise lack of care, nurturing, or affection from a mother.
I guess it’s psych speak for “Mommy issues” from what I’m reading?
Did… Did you just try to imply that my dysphoria is from me internalizing women saying men bad?
Oh no I get grouped in with shitty people all the time. I’m AMAB and I look very much like a man. I am acutely aware of how I’m seen. I see every single woman that sees me and instinctively recoils in anticipation of me being exactly that kind of man. It sends my dysphoria through the roof to be seen and perceived that way every single second of every single day. I deal with that pain all the time.
But do you know what I don’t do? I don’t turn that around on women who are validly pointing out saying they hate when men do something messed up or creepy to women and tell them that they need to be more considerate of MY feelings on the matter. I don’t tell them that they need to stop being an asshole to me if they want me to care about their issues.
The difference is that those photos are presented as if the unrealistic thing is desirable. As if it is something that everyone should want to be. While you’re hearing “I wish men would stop being creepy” and acting like they’re directly calling you personally a creep.
I’m an AMAB nonbinary person, basically every time a woman sees me I can see her instinctively preparing for me to be that exact guy because I look like if Bigfoot dressed as Bob from Bob’s Burgers. It sends my dysphoria through the roof every time. But even I can manage not to get bent out of shape when women call out men being toxic because I know I’m not guilty of the things they’re calling out.
So I say again. Sounds like a skill issue
Huh, and here all the men I know have never even the slightest bit upset about broad generalizing statements about men because they are secure in the knowledge that the statement doesn’t apply to them… Sounds like a skill issue tbh.
I know when I did tennis in gym class in high school I struggled to figure out how to keep the ball in the court.