Fix your boobs. You look like a picasso!
Fix your boobs. You look like a picasso!
They didn’t need to introduce them, they saw the opportunity to do so. Besides, there’s always been the possibility to buy a utilitarian pick up truck but they’re work vehicles.
It’s just supply and demand. Someone offers SUVs and Trucks, people buy them all, other companies offer more of the same. So of course, everyone who wanted to buy one made the concious decision to do so. The consumers are, in fact, responsible for their actions.
Guess why there are so few station wagons in the US now, as opposed to the 1980s. People wanted bigger cars and the market phased out the more sensible, but less desired option.
It’s pretty terrific
Same shit with bikes. Is the rider part of the bike or not?
Wenn sie ein Schiff zulassen wollen, müssen Sie runter zur Hafenkommandatur!
My point still stands about warning traffic that can’t see the ambulance, obstructed by trucks or buildings.
So anytime an ambulance approaches, all traffic has to stop? What if they’re just driving to the gas station? How do you know that the ambulance is on an emergency call?
Also: the siren is not just for everyone in front but also the next crossing over so everyone who doesn’t see it yet can hear it.
Where do you think we are?
I’d guess they would put a kind of thick bag over it and then break it so it can’t hurt the mouth.
“Unregistered HyperCam2” in a corner of the screen
The german satire party DIE PARTEI wanted to implement a highest voting age. If you can’t vote the first 18 years of your life, you shouldn’t be able to vote the final 18 years.
If a german pensioneer can’t drive a german car with more than 250 kph on the german Autobahn from north to south, west to east: how can we have EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT?
r/witcher has gone dark until further notice as well. Granted, most of the content was stones with holes in it and moaning about the Netflix show, so nothing of value was really lost.
I don’t know what exactly that means but I know there was no sound without it. Guess I’m slightly younger.