Another traveler of the wireways.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It’s arguably layers of this cover behavior, and mostly as you say because it’s fun. The first layer, closer reading and fan theorizing, is covering why they’re into children’s media or some other media that isn’t seen as fitting them.

    The second layer is entwined with the first, the fan theorizing is itself covering what some are too insecure to say or do outright, which is make fan fiction. Some may look down on making fan fiction in similar ways as they feel looked down on for what they’re enjoying, making it somewhat ironic.

    In short, don’t let your fan theories remain theories, make fan fiction and your own independent, inspired work!

  • As I understand it, it’s kind of both.

    The Bsky Relay costs are because it’s the primary relay, sure, but any relay aiming to handle a mass amount of people, as well as a variety of AppViews, will likely scale similarly in costs. This is because to try to minimize any fragmentation of experience (as one may see with ActivityPub), AT protocol relays act as a central mirror of all the personal data servers connecting to them.

    It’s baked into the architecture for the most part, despite some later developments of lighter pseudo-relays that try to reduce some of the overhead. From the outset they’ve said they only really see there being a few large-scale relays due to the operational costs.

  • The rule of penis:
    If you have something in mind that involves a penis: not yet, keep it to yourself.
    If you didn’t have a penis in mind: don’t mention penises to her right now.
    Altogether then: only proceed to penises with consent and when you know preferred dildo brands.


    remember to wash your new dildo before and after use!

  • Here’s what you do:

    Find a place still stocking it, see if you can find someone that knows when the shipments come in or contact info for the folks that ship it, stake out the store for when the deliveries come in to ask the delivery people where they load up their inventory or contact the shipping people for the address of the distribution center.

    Okay, lot of work involved upfront, I know, but once you get the distro center’s info, you’re close to the gold. Figure out their operating hours and begin the heist plans, then execute them perfectly so that you come out with a lifetime supply of the drink. The next tricky part will be storage, but look at what you already learned you could do to get your prize. Next up? Squatting industrial refrigeration units until you’ve savored every lost drop of this stuff.