Barely a day passes without you sharing some, for good reasons, heavily disliked stuff about “bOtH sIdEs” being bad.
I know a lot because you are clogging the feed…
Barely a day passes without you sharing some, for good reasons, heavily disliked stuff about “bOtH sIdEs” being bad.
I know a lot because you are clogging the feed…
You posted the same “meme” yesterday and it has not gotten any better since then
There are easier ways to tell the world you are not getting laid then posting this shit
I googled “black vikings hystorical evidence” and clicked the first link.
Works like a charm to expose the fakers.
Every. Single. Time. :)
Vote Blue no matter who
THEN we can think about changing something. Cant run if you never learned to walk after all…
Its always funny to see when the right-wingers learn a new word that is vaguely left-ish, only to proceed with throwing it around everywhere.
Makes them easier to spot.
German-Slang to German: “Der Junge muss was essen”
German to English: “The boy needs to eat”
Nah, this time its the conservatives / nazis (CxU, AfD) wanting to cancel the new law that will greatly help a lot of people.
So yea, Consevatives being evil again. Shocking, I know.
The FDP is in on the legalisation. I suspect they eye profits and deregulation along the way. But yea, otherwise the FDP is the one doing the sabotage, this time is just the exception.
If you would tell me his face was photoshopped slightly smaller, I would believe you
Neither gender loves OP :)