Are you crazy??? That’s only if you are fighting Zuul!!
Are you crazy??? That’s only if you are fighting Zuul!!
“Last chance!!! Print!”
Drill drill drill
Dugga dugga dugga
Followed by a hot steaming one!
Tell her Cave Johnson sent ya
If you bust their teeth, how can they eat their honkwich?
All bad apples have spoiled the whole bunch, girrrllll!
It’s a snek
I’m in NC. The radio pundits during the runup to the General Assembly’s lottery vote were about the potential revenues being around $300 million. Further discussion was how that was the total budget for Forsyth County (Winston-Salem vicinity) schools. NC has 100 counties, some smaller, some larger, and for the GA to vote for it was viewed by the pundits as a really dumb thing.
The very thing of it becoming a replacement rather than a supplement to the school budgets was obvious to anyone who knows American (and especially NC) politics.
No we can’t because there’s a buncha fuckin’ “X”s in the fuckin’ way!
My God! It’s full of heisenbugs!
Europeans drink mouthwash?!!
Brooklyn is Kings County. Queensborough is Queens County. Staten Island is Richmond County. Manhattan is New York County. The Bronx is Bronx County.
You’re thinking of Mistress Chief
D’oh! A deer!
Get that ANSI shiite outta here! Only the blessed original K&R is holy truth!
Probably a reference to this
Quite a few doctor’s offices are owned or ran by a management group, partly to share or reduce their costs due to bureaucratic insurance companies and HIPAA compliance. Those same management groups use the doctors like a cash cow and attempt to shovel as many patients at them as they can because a venture fund is running the group behind the scenes.
Only if they are vaccinated