Facebook users typically skew older, so people that are more likely to have established careers, larger spaces and yards to work on. I feel like a lot of Redditors and Lemmings are young and live with parents or in apartments, and are thus less likely to have a yard to care for.
That being said, anyone with a deck or porch can pot a plant or two to try and help local pollinators.
Yes, because the incentive to work would not be as high if you can receive $30k/yr, but only $3/hr working food service. But, if they receive $30k/yr plus $20/hr (or whichever number is appropriate for COL in the province/area), then people are more likely to work - and do so productively. This then encourages economic growth through money changing hands and being taxed.
Minimum wage is great for welfare, but economic well-being is not quite the only goal of minimum wage; it also serves to encourage people to join the workforce over alternatives, and to spur economic activity.
Both could be achievable - it doesn’t have to be one or the other
I will be .zip and I’ll die on this hill
I don’t know, I just like the pictures
A lot of people don’t know this but the Epic of Gilgamesh was based on The SpongeBob Movie
That’s all I needed to convince me to live like it’s the 60s again
That seems excessive but I can do that. Thank you for being so thorough - it makes me feel more secure :)
I don’t like being called out like this.
There is none, but kids are picky and want expensive name brands because pretty images