AuDHD cat. If you don’t know which pronoun to use, go for it/its.
compare tankie and far right talking points
the trans are poisoning our children
They should check out hexbear too.
Yes. I do think that it is correct.
The claim from “”“tankies”“” is mostly that no massacre happened in the square, but that deaths happened outside of it in clashes between armed protesters and the PLA. Exactly as Dessalines FAQ.
.ml was the first instance and was/is run by the developers
It denies that a massacre happened in Tiananmen square.
My arguments are the same as those laid out in the first comment by AES_Enjoyer, as are those of Denna.
Importantly, you never stated what those “several alternatives” are.
Actually, the Nazi determination to settle accounts with Poland had for months been as plain as anything could be. This time, too, only the most heroic measures could prevent them from taking what they wanted in an orgy of violence and blood-letting. They had been frustrated at Munich, prevented from trying out their new war machine. Now they were determined to see for themselves just how much destruction it could cause. When the Italian Foreign Minister, Count Ciano, talked with Hitler and Ribbentrop on August 11–13, he wrote in his diary: “The decision to fight is implacable. . . . I am certain that even were the Germans given much more than they ask, they would attack just the same because they are possessed by the demon of destruction. . . . There is nothing that can be done. Hitler has decided to strike and strike he will.” He added that Il Duce “believes the democracies will still give in.”29 The decision to obliterate Poland was therefore fixed before the pact with Russia was signed. Without it the Nazi Panzer divisions would have rolled up to the borders of the Soviet Union, occupying the White Russian and Ukrainian half of Poland to which the Soviet Union had a far better right.
This fact alone should dispose of the contention that if the Soviet Union could not come to terms with Britain and France it should have at least stood neutral like the American Congress. Moscow, it is said, did not need to make a deal with Hitler and give him the green light, but in reality the Soviet Government did not have this choice. By standing aloof it would have lost not only Eastern Poland but the Baltic states as well. By rejecting Hitler’s promises, and the threats that always went with them, the Soviets would have placed themselves in the daily and imminent danger of fighting the German-Russian war which they believed the West had tried to bring about.
By making the truce with Hitler the Soviets gained four things. (1) They got everything in the Baltic states which the Allies had refused them, and more, plus the ability to ship home to Germany 100,000 Baltic Germans, as well as 300,000 other Germans from Poland and other Eastern areas. These huge fifth columns were quickly cleaned out of the Russian sphere, to the deep chagrin of the Nazi supermen. (2) They achieved freedom to correct their boundary with Finland and reclaim Bessarabia from Rumania. (3) Instead of incurring the full power of the Nazi war machine, while the West viewed their plight with satisfaction, they turned Hitler back upon the West. (4) They also acquired nearly two years of precious time in which to prepare for a German onslaught.
It’s hard to paraphrase all that, the short of it is that there were no alternatives, not at that point.
The Allied chiefs knew well that their failure to make an alliance with Russia would mean the destruction of Poland. There was no other conceivable hope of preventing Poland’s liquidation
I ask that you read Denna F. Flemmings, The Cold War and Its Origins 1917-1960, Vol I, at least the chapters regarding the build-up to and early days of WWII (Chapter 4-6/7).
Of course you go for the tone policing civility bullshit
No, fucking provide examples.
A victory for communism would be far more dangerous to the United States than a victory for fascism.
—Robert A. Taft
(Denna F. Flemming, The Cold War and Its Origins, citing: Foster Rhea Dulles, The Road to Teheran, 1944, p 232.)
Its really difficult when a communism means two things and both meanings are regularly used in the same context (e.g. a comment), and why the fact that there is at least a distinction between liberalism and capitalism is nice (even if some dont know what liberalism means)
If you “support” communism you are a Communist.
But if you “support” capitalism you aren’t a Capitalist.
Whoever came up with this shit needs to reevaluate some things.
Tankies are evil because they told me to read a book (and it doesn’t conform to my worldview!)
Hexbear, well know for being fascists: keeping their trans users safe.
Despite saying Davel banned you from “everywhere he could”, you haven’t been permanently banned from .ml, despite the fact that clearly you should have been
(Both images were taken from Hexbear, take from that what you will)