I like when I start a job and someone has a furry avatar. I know who to go when something weird comes up I can’t figure out. It’s worked out for me so far.
I like when I start a job and someone has a furry avatar. I know who to go when something weird comes up I can’t figure out. It’s worked out for me so far.
What machine do these people think they are raging against? A dishwasher?
Ironman btw?
🦀🦀🦀 $11 $13 dollars extra on top of membership prices 🦀🦀🦀
My 2017 Shield pro is starting to die and I’m dreading getting another TV box. Anyone have good experience with LibreElec or a similar distro? I am thinking of getting some sub $100 USFF from eBay
Why do we need a seat when we can just Crazy Frog it
ILovePDF is wonderful. If your company needs to be HIPPA compliant their subscription w/desktop app is cheaper than most others.
Turn the computer off and on
Gotta point out, that meme template has been around before then.
E1M1 started playing in my head looking at that
Damn that’s extreme. Sorry to hear that.
My current employer actually just changed our password policy to greatly extend the password expiration date. We have cranked up the password requirements a tad, every login has 2FA and permissions are locked down to the size of a gnats asshole. Users seem to like it better since they don’t have to come up with a new password as often and we are telling ourselves it’s harder to brute force.
Have fun watching training videos for an hour and a half. It’s just free money
I dont see how basic bdsm is a trend. Seems like every generation has a bdsm awakening at some point, everyone gets used to it, forgets about it or continues to play. Then after another 10-15 years it comes back.
“You could of saved $3.27 if your subscribed to BagBois™ last month”
Soon they will be contractors you have to pay from an app o.O
Some of us are trying but it sucks ass.
I’m lucky enough to be able to afford my own car/transportation but I worked at a FedEx Warehouse years ago where most people took the bus. Right around the time I was leaving, they were moving the branch 5 minutes down the road, but across a bridge to another jurisdiction. Busses from the city don’t run there because it always gets shot down that it will “cause crime”. The country busses aren’t that good, but at least it takes people to their jobs. I remember most people were freaking out and planning car pools from the bus stop to the new location. I haven’t talked to a lot of people since then, but the few I have seemed to find new jobs.
Check out !antiquememesroadshow@lemmy.world if you want to feel old. I’m going to turn 30 next year and most of them are too new for me.
HGST drives were pretty good for the price as well. Just keep it away from your other Hitachi “tools”
I was at the zoo a few years ago when Aldabra Tortoises were fucking. It was that but a few octaves lower, and you could hear it from the start of the section. If you imaging what a large turtle fucking would sound like in some dumb sex comedy movie, it was exactly that.