what about mare nostrum?
what about mare nostrum?
Will Smith slapped Chris’ face not his rocks though
The Silt Strider itself is […] moved by direct manipulation of exposed organs and tissues by its driver
i am not sure if they have any say over the movement. lets say they are self-propelled.
start at the top and work your way down
what makes you think a child is not a ful-fledged human automobile?
i really dont like that “compound word” is not a proper compoundword.
i hope my mispelling spreads far enough to remedy this.
compoundwords are marvelous <3
the world needs more SysAdmins!
80% taxes how does that work?
suddenly germany feels like a tax haven :D
no bird bones, they tend to be hollow and splintery. this includes ostriches.
best bois get bones of the bovine variety or , if you don’t find aliterations funny get them horn or coffee wood, or olive wood.
make sure to get the proper size for your dog so they don’t just swallow the thing, but actually chew and most importantly buy stuff thats safe and not some scrap wood.
has she ever harmed a human being, or let a human being become harmed due to inaction?
does she obey orders given by humans that do not lead to humans getting harmed?
does she protect her own existence, unless it would cause harm to human beings?
if you answered “yes” to all of the above, she seems to follows asimovs laws of robotics and thus might be a robot, if you answered “no” to any of the questions:
do you really think companies would put safety meassures into products unless they are forced to?!
but then you won’t get your coin of local currency back or worse one of this plastic token you can use instead!
and you probably annoy some small employee who has to go cart hunting.
I’d think Odie would have to be Guts and Jon takes the role of Casca.
her house of slitherIN?
a lot of cheese is basically lactose free, if it ripened long enough.
then its only purpose is as a heat shield when holding a cup of tea.
maybe also separating lego pieces
Oregano is a software to simulate electronic circuits, but i don’t know if it’s old enough to be referenced in this picture.
might also just be a reference to the random stuff you find on various machines depending on who set them up.
quake 3 arena had the character Crash, who is supposed to be one of doom guys military trainers. sadly they never did more with her.
funktionieren, wenn du irgendwelche motorischen Einschränkungen hast sind sie sehr zu empfehlen, wenn nicht kriegste du das wahrscheinlich mit einem Messer genau so gut hin.
Ich find die Teile lustig und benutz sie gerne.