“Let’s face it: If you’re over the age of 50 ‘Healthy’ is just a pre-cancerous condition.” — Drew Hastings, Comedian
Just your average urban druid interested in technology and quantum field theory.
“Let’s face it: If you’re over the age of 50 ‘Healthy’ is just a pre-cancerous condition.” — Drew Hastings, Comedian
Lightning Bolt: PC!
Because the C+ List celebs won’t touch weird creepy Donald Trump!
Thank you for sharing this!
Poor Richard… 😂🤣😂🐱😂🤣😂
Your post doesn’t have a language tag, but most of it seems like English.
However “Peggnog” and “Palpico” and “Porchata” aren’t translating well. Care to elaborate?
Thanks kinds stranger who speaks weird words!
100% correct! (Not that I’ve ever taken something just laying there that wasn’t mine.)
That’s brilliant! Love the name…
Transitioning online discussions away from for-profit shopping malls into spaces designed for constructive conversation is a good thing not just for humanity’s ability to cooperatively solve problems, but for the oft-disregarded mental health of the individuals who’s content contributions power the platforms.
Very well stated. What a great article! People should bookmark it and share it with people that ask, “Why should I join this’Fediverse’?”
“Awesome Human” also works!
Doesn’t matter how the stranger IDs, they’re human, and who doesn’t like to be considered awesome.