To sync across different devices maybe?
To sync across different devices maybe?
Not sure about it being in character for Peter Dinklage. But very much in character for Warwick Davis. cf. Life’s Too Short
D&D does have a daily living cost based on the characters’ backgrounds. Anything from wretched (inhumane conditions - 0 cost) or squalid (1 silver per day) up to wealthy (4 gold) or aristocratic (10gold minimum). But I don’t think anyone really keeps track in most campaigns.
My roommates said they would get me rims for Christmas. And a CB radio so I can talk to other car beds.
My understanding is that, on a cosmic scale, these timeframes are not tremendously different!
Unlikely Polaris. The luminosity difference between Polaris Aa and the other two is 3 orders of magnitude. Mizar and Alcor (the doublet second from the end of the Big Dipper) has been used for centuries as a vision test. If you can see the doublet, it’s equivalent to 20/20 (or 6/6) on an eye chart.
I think it’s also worth mentioning that Polaris Aa, the youngest star in the triplet, is also the brightest by 3 orders of magnitude. Without Polaris Aa, we wouldn’t actually consider it as the North Star at all…so I think you are safe to continue using this as a fact.
Go blow some people’s minds, everyone!
Me too. It’s a sick fact. Sharks are still older than trees tho…
It is partly true. Polaris is in fact a triple star system. The youngest of the three stars (Polaris Aa) is indeed younger than sharks at between 45 and 67My old. It is in tight orbit with Polaris Ab which is 500My old, and Polaris B which is 1.5By old and a little bit farther away. Here’s a pic from Hubble:
This works both for bullets and measles
He looks like he’s contemplating getting robot legs
Agreed. The syncing can be managed other ways. The only thing I’m left with is using on a work computer for some reason, where one’s own devices aren’t available/permitted? But that’s probably not a common usage case.