Yeah but it’s more work for the website to implement their own ad-contexts, so obviously the website owner is the problem here /s
Yeah but it’s more work for the website to implement their own ad-contexts, so obviously the website owner is the problem here /s
Of course the amount of insects drastically reduced, but for the windscreen there is another thing to take into account: Cars today are extremely aerodynamic. Even new Jeeps and the F150s are aerodynamic. Because of this, the insects are pushed away from your windscreen instead of against it, which is one of the main reasons why your windscreen isn’t full of insects anymore.
The only real exception to this is the Mercedes G-Class, but I doubt that a lot of us will ever sit in one
Edit: apparently I’m wrong:
Maybe they should start supporting Ukraine a bit more then, so far they are lacking in comparison to the rest of europe
At least all countries I’ve been to have blinds on the outside. Germany and Netherlands have rolling shutters like these:
Southern and Eastern european countries tend to have little doors on the outside like these:\_processed\_/3/8/csm_moosgruene-fensterlaeden_d2513c37b0.webp which are made of wood or plastic
I have never been to poland, scandinavia or the baltics, but all countries I’ve been to have one way or another to completely block light and don’t let cats scratch the curtains
European blinds solve this as well, they are made of plastic and are on the outside of the window, not inside
I don’t know how it’s outside of Germany, but at least in Germany in every public sauna there are signs saying “No sweat on wood!” (or in German: “Kein Schweiß aufs Holz!”)
What this should mean is that too keep the wood from getting too much salt exposure, you should always sit or lay on a big towel which prevents your body from touching the wood.
Of course the experience is extremely sweaty, thats the reason to go there, so you’re correct on that part :)
The restaurant in my local Therme is in the Sauna area. Of course it’s not a naked restaurant, but a “wear a bathrobe or get something to wear” restaurant. But let me tell you: it’s really weird that there are people with clothes on around you in that restaurant. Not uncomfortable, but weird. And the sauna is a place to relax, so I really think it’s better that everyone has to be naked so that nobody can feel uncomfortable. For most people it might not matter, but for some people it does matter.
Can confirm the german part: In my gym there recently was an outrage because a Muslim member went to the Sauna with bathing clothes multiple times, which in the end resulted in his contract being terminated. Being naked in the sauna is almost the law here (but in the end nobody cares if you wear your towel or put it below you. Just remember: No sweat on wood!)
The cybertruck has a gross weight of 4300kg, which highly exceeds the 3500kg
I don’t understand your criticism, I thought the AstAs are now removing the Semesterticket alltogether because of the 29€ Deutschlandticket?
The problem with statistics like this is that you dont know what exactly the area is. Berlin is HUGE, so there are lots of flats on the market which are feasible. You might be able to find a flat in Kleinmachnow, Spandau or Wilhelmshagen for cheap, but if you are studying or working in Berlin you usually search in the city center and rents there are waaaay higher than 13€/m².
It’s not about the money, I am insured there as well… It’s about the peace of mind that you can wear a clean pair of clothes and have your teeth brushed when shopping for new clothes the next day
I would never fly without at least a smallcarry-on in the cabin. I always put supplies (hygienic and clothes) for 2 days in my carry-on, so that I have them on me in case the Airline fucks up my checked baggage
But they need the children since it’s their only life insurance. If there would be social care in these regions, child birth would go down as it did in all first-world societies. With the current state its not possible, because not having children would mean you starve to death as soon as you get sick because nobody can take care of the lifestock
It’s so sad. Decades of european mistreatment led to this instability and nobody bothers. Now most countries are run by corrupt warlords and China is basically buying the continent. The poor people there stumble from mistreatment to mistreatment and everyone who speaks up against it is immediately killed or imprisoned. The sad part is: there is no good solution for all the refugees. Of course Europe could theoretically welcome them in and spend every nickel on integrating all the refugees, but this would also lead to chaos and ultra-right-wing parties rising faster than they already do, which would lead to an even worse state for everyone. The climate crisis hasn’t even started, this will increase the refugees by a lot :(
Actually the story goes different. There was no foot tequila scene planned, but Salma Hayek improvised it. It’s possible that with this scene, Salma Hayek started it all for Tarantino and his feet obsession
The law is ready for that. If and when the USB association agrees on a new standard thats not USB-C, then the new standard will be required after a transitional period. Right now it doesnt seem likely that this will happen in the near future, but in 10 years? Maybe
I don’t see people hating discord for it, just pointing out that it was a bad choice from the beginning