Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
Recovering academic now in public safety. You’ll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.
Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
Just don’t store them next to onions. Because dems fight’n words!
The cunner is also a fish. That’s all.
It’S NoT UNiquE HAtEr!!1!1
A plebe such as yourself simply cannot understand the patrician level of pleasure that comes from establishing a singular identity in this world of dross.
Chickens have a dominance hierarchy too. And so do rats under some conditions. The dominance literature that I know of does not make it sound great. Dominant makes are like the loud drunk guy at a party who wants fight - people just generally avoid him. So they’re socially isolated bullies. Robert and Caroline Blanchard from University of Hawaii is good for this work, and Robert Sapolsky for work on stress hormones.
Petersdorf and Higham are a great summary of the variety in the primate world.
It’s not true for gorillas or chimps either - and those groups don’t share a social structure. I have a feeling that you are not well informed on this topic.
Is this supposed to be funny or something?
да, брат! продолжай в том же духе!
молодец, товарищ! демократы будут сбиты с толку твоей умной метафорой!
My post-doc paid $35k and lasted 5 years. You’d switch fields too.
I went with Ryobi under the rubric of “if you use it enough to break it then buy a good one”. I have a wall of green tools because most of them are used only occasionally. My hammer drill is the one that is gonna go. And yeah. I will buy something f’in awesome. Because using an underpowered hammer drill sucked.
Be prepared for endless mockery no matter which direction you go. Best of luck sir.
Steak, mushrooms, onion…and wtf? Chicken shins?
Well it was someone else who spent most of their career with FØRTRAN punchcards. By the time I was learning BASIC in the 1980s it had moved to the zero.