Not the 1865 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland which also has the same credentials but, as you can see, is earlier?
Still not sold on calling all of it Isekai regardless, but at least check your own facts
Not the 1865 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland which also has the same credentials but, as you can see, is earlier?
Still not sold on calling all of it Isekai regardless, but at least check your own facts
We don’t have an Isekai genre. We have an Other World subgenre of fantasy that Japan made another name for and weebs apply to everything similar.
You are technically correct
The best kind of correct
This is inaccurate
Some of us aren’t under 40
Women breaking out of previously accepted societal norms were seducing (guys? boys? men?) into sexy parties that probably weren’t risque enough for late night skinemax but too far for PBS.
Pearls were clutched
I don’t disagree. I think if it’s an issue the users have the power to resolve it
Right, which is why I put the line after that in
I don’t get it either. Defederation is a tool just like banning or spam prevention. If it’s unused it’s pointless to have.
But you don’t ban everyone for a single offense just like to don’t defederate lightly. If you do then people will move elsewhere and the problem resolves itself
I’m reasonably confident that every part of the inhabited world has been “lost territory” more than once.
In all fairness that actress showed up fairly often for playing a dead character
I thought that was a step further. Originally it was gold until Reddit made that a thing you could pay them for so people started doing silver and the wheel turned again
Or even make your own, with blackjack and hookers!
I doubt anyone will want to see Tucker on X past the first couple minutes of hilarity.
But I’m old and I think they call that Molly now
That’s a very big part of it.
When fucknugget wanted to start a company he had plenty of credit either on his own, with his name, or both. If he blew 50k in an attempt he could try again next week.
If I blew 50k I’d be homeless.
It’s way easier to high stakes gamble when you won’t notice you lost.
Before merging with Yutani?
queersneed to stand together
I’m not trying to co-opt anything. Far from. I just want to remind everyone that you don’t need to know your place in the rainbow to want to see its beauty.
grow up and use the block feature.
I’m really sick of this talking point. If history hasn’t demonstrated to you that ignoring a problem doesn’t resolve the problem then you take ought to go back and read some more.
If you can’t stand to be bothered by others trying to carve out consideration for your fellow humans then I’m glad this may be our only interaction.
Computing resources got cheaper so development didn’t need to be as careful.
If one month you have $100 for food, but the next month you’ll have $2000 are you still going to eat like you’ve got $100? Of course not!
But another part of the problem is that when development was slim you also weren’t running very many things at once. I can remember writing different autoexec.bat and config.sys files to boot straight into whatever game I was going to play. Most to all of the resources were available.
Now we’re constantly running a handful of things. The OS itself is huge, plus a browser that you haven’t closed with a handful of tabs, plus the app for the store you bought the game from, and whatever else is in the background, and so on. So you feel the drag more because everything wants as many resources as it can grab before something else does.
They do and I’d love to have a better method available to us.
However the meme is a little off.
One party doesn’t give a fuck about you, the other actively wishes you harm and works to that end.
They’re not “my team” but they’re well past “the lesser of two evils” given the other one.