What is the crime called for just dropping a stick?
Is the last line (flash drive full of malware left in the break room) actually illegal?
You’re both trolls, stop that!
May I have your permission to start saying “kinda of”?
I wasn’t arguing with you. I was supporting you. Weird of you to assume the worst?
Billionaires can’t be benign. It’s impossible to make a billion dollars in a lifetime without taking more than you deserve. Someone overpaid for the product or someone was underpaid for the work (probably both). Billionaires prey on that loss, and it’s not as if they are Robin Hood giving back to the poor. If that’s not malignant, I don’t know what is.
I would gladly contribute to launching him off Earth
They suck at campaigning, but they aren’t the worst at governing. An informed voter doesn’t require razzle dazzle, but alas we are in short supply of informed voters. I don’t see that turning around anytime soon, so buckle up buttercup!
Three big things:
We’ll never recover from this. This is the United States of Ignorance now. I’m deeply sorry to those who did their part and will be victims in the future, but it HAS to get worse before it can get better. We need a great reset in some form. Revolution, world war, alien invasion…
Can confirm, life has new meaning, so sigma
That’s 50 cubic meters!
A real wingmeme
Two years in the making, then comeback in 1 minute!
Yeah, what did he mean by that?
I think you’re just shaking it too much. If you are gentle to avoid losing the carbonation and put the cap on tight, it can last for days.
Pretty sure the whole thing is satire and that line is supposed to make it obvious, but I’m just doing me