I reported the incorrect name in apple maps, google provides no such option.
Here from Reddit–might stay a while.
I reported the incorrect name in apple maps, google provides no such option.
deleted by creator
You have to be a particular type of moron performing some very poor mental gymnastics to think “being pro fossil fuel” would be the motivation for laughing at a person driving a cyber truck
Like that dude ever fucked ladies.
Edit: consentually
bUt hiLarY ba—er, mean bUt kaMaL— er CoMraDe hArRis BenGazi?
I played this game start to finish on PC (A Frankenstein-esquire gaming rig)—never had this issue. I am guessing this is a made-up problem or just someone trying to run this game on a computer that is not capable of running it. a lot of people assume because they “have a pc” they can just run the latest and greatest game. Dude’s probably on his work issued thinclient trying to boot up a modern AAA game with basic-ass virtual resources and are like “huh?” when it doesnt work.
Someone dressed like that would never go outside
I heard a tale that that woman was not an actor but in fact some local resident who was waylaid by the filming of that scene so she was compensated by getting to deliver that line. No idea of the validity but an interesting tidbit if true.
You’re gonna shit yourself when you realize an airport is a port for air-vessels in the same way that a seaport is a port for sea- vessels.
they also disappeared millions of people and oversaw an oppressive police state for 80 years, then collapsed their country into the criminal oligarch state that is the modern Russian Federation. Fuck the Soviets.
Society treats feral cats better than homeless hominids
I was yelling about how windows 11 swapped out text listingzs for copy, paste, etc from its contextual menus for stupid icons just the other day. Modern UIs are becoming so “streamlined” to the point of uselessness.
one is significantly 1) more useful and 2) does not cost $4000 to move next time the shitty apartment you’re renting gets sold to be “renovated” into luxury (cardboard) condos.
I worked at Starbucks about a decade ago and it was ~a special treat~ when we were allowed to take a very small portion of the marked off goods but we had to make sure to throw most of it out least an internal audit show we were (mind you) not selling enough versus the actual problem of wasting untold amounts of food. Fucking disgusting operation.
It may be apocryphal, but supposedly one of my brother’s elementary school teachers was going on one day about how it’s impossible to see the moon during daylight and a kid pointed out the window and said “it’s right there.”
Seems pretty stupid but knowing where I grew up I don’t disbelieve it happened.
please its clearly pronounced U I N N E S S E M I T G
Seems 99% of posts on Lemmy, regardless of content, will have some goblin schilling Linux. I don’t have anything against Linux but I will never adopt it, mostly because WHY? What the fuck is the benefit of Linux?
IDK, all i know is that group messaging with iMessages between iOS and android is still garbage. Its an easy fix though it its really causing issues between people: just use a 3rd party app.
yeah but those women also actively engaged in a relationship with the Worlds Biggest Asshole to the point of having a children with The Worlds Biggest Asshole—good road map for initial big sharp drop rig contraption testers; just sayin.