I can agree with this. Or pirating old games that aren’t available through GOG, Steam, etc. Like if I want to play Battletoads, I don’t have many options…
Teacher, programmer, photographer, runner
I can agree with this. Or pirating old games that aren’t available through GOG, Steam, etc. Like if I want to play Battletoads, I don’t have many options…
I feel like the “pirate everything” mindset focuses on shitty corporations but ignores that paying for media also helps the creators pay their rent.
Clearly they do care though. Look at all of the earnest replies to his posts! If folks didn’t care, they would say as much.
That’s fine, but we need to just admit that and stop trying to get the big users to stay by sheer force of will. Either give them the tools they need or accept that Mastodon isn’t for them and that they’ll go elsewhere. You can’t have it both ways.
I follow him on Mastodon, and I think many regular users misunderstand his specific problems. They’re unique due to his huge number of followers, and I think that if we want Mastodon to grow, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to include more tools for folks with large followings.
If you’re looking for a free alternative, check out how to use Markdown files. Obsidian is a popular (but not open-source) program. The beautiful of .md is that it’s plain text and can be easily imported into a variety of applications, including a simple text editor like Notepad. Here’s a good overview video.
The folks who run the archive website have some weird vendetta against Cloudflare.
Have you tried Swiftfin? It’s 3rd party open source. I find it works much better than the official Jellyfin app.
At this point, it’s just a tradition
The only thing I wish Apple Reminders has is the ability to set a recurring task like “30 days after task completion”
I don’t have a need for a trackball mouse, but I just want to say thanks for the incredibly detailed review! I still read the whole thing.
Yeah, I kind of agree on this. The real question is: is YouTube currently profitable, and they’re trying to squeeze even more out of users?
It would be nice if companies could look at a tidy profit and just say “that’s enough” and leave it be. Alas, that’s not how capitalism operates…
Even if they are acting in good faith, I think they’ve earned our derision and deserve to be shut out. You don’t get to play unfairly for decades then turn around and expect no consequences.
That’s how I feel at this point. There are alternatives!
The main issue is if you try to attach multiple portable drives. My Pi 3B+ could only really power a single HDD, but I wanted to attach multiple. The only solution there was a powered USB hub. I eventually got an old Lenovo mini PC and used that.
The Lenovo ThinkCentre computers are great for this. I got one off eBay for $30 (just make sure it comes with their proprietary AC adapter).
This is really great. I’m using the compact layout w/ViolentMonkey, and it really makes the site a pleasure to use.
Absolutely wild. I used to moderate a local-area subreddit with around 39K members and decided to just cut my losses. Deleted my account and never looked back! I was happy to see that the remaining mods stuck with our 2-day blackout plan.
Honestly though, it was such a miserable job. Constant bad-faith arguments from folks trying to post heinous comments about asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ folks, etc. It really makes you lose faith in your fellow man. I’m very happy to have given it up. I guess this is why Facebook spends millions of dollars on content moderation – it’s very taxing.
My big point is always, "I don’t expect you to memorize all of these things, but rather to understand what sort of thing is possible in Excel/Google Sheets. Hopefully it’ll stick in the back of their head, and 10 years later they’ll look like a wizard in their office job, if nothing else.
I’m definitely curious. Browser-switching is annoyingly mentally difficult, though. I keep bouncing between Arc and Firefox, so maybe this is the perfect marriage.