I couldnt find that one, but I did find:
I couldnt find that one, but I did find:
Who’s to say it isn’t already?
There are definitely some folks that see “National Socialism” as the party name and look no further. Fortunately, I don’t think it’s a strong majority, but they pop up online.
The Blue Hole of Absiko is a meteorological phenomenon that owes its existence to the jet stream and prevailing winds that blow in from the Arctic Ocean in a westerly direction. The reliability of these stable westerly winds means that for the majority of the aurora season, the wind blows in the same direction over Abisko, creating a prevailing weather pattern known as a microclimate.
When the prevailing winds from the Arctic Ocean meet the tall mountains just over Sweden’s border with Norway, moist air is blocked by the mountains creating a rain shadow above Abisko. This effectively tears a 10-20 square kilometer “Blue Hole” in the clouds above Abisko and provides a window to the stars even on the cloudiest of nights.
Link is male, dressed stereotypically female, and Samus is female, dressed stereotypically male. Just a mild chuckle at the “exception that proves the rule” I suppose.
My brother brought these to Christmas a couple years ago and gave everyone a handful as a present; we ended up hiding them everywhere (including in each other’s clothes). Good times
Yep, car crash safety PSA
But what about Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Ori, Nori, Dori, Gloin, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur?
I would tend to agree that it’s likely an aspect of the reasoning for the double circle; a visual pun. I don’t know enough to dispute the Wikipedia article with evidence, however.
If that is the reasoning, I wish they would’ve done something less ambiguous, like -/c or over-lined 100.
Latin: per centum
Italian per cento
Abbreviated to p. cento
Then just pc with a loop for the o in cento
Then the fraction bar came around to sub for per, the c became a circle, and % was born.
(Most of this after the adoption of Arabic numerals)
”Digital property is theft, comrade”
The year is 2056. There are 4^2048 characters required to display all of the “New”s for the latest version of Outlook. You’ve just bricked your fourth PC by trying to open an .ics