Still kicking and full of porn
Still kicking and full of porn
How’s the weather in russia? Hahahaha gottem
Gas is stored in the nuts
Anarchists in civil war in spain (until some of them decided to fuck off), I would say the makhnovshchina defended itself pretty well with the scarce resources they had, greek anarchists with their decades old squats, bolivian grassroots movements who helped Evo Morales get in power in Bolivia, etc.
No, since states can get couped. The most effective way of protecting the revolution is gathering the masses which can happen without the state, indeed, it has happened multiple time throughout history.
Literally posted 3 articles yesterday criticising trump but go off.
I have, its a terrible “rebuttal” of anarchist criticism of marxism, conflating self-defence with authority.
tons of this shit in the mid 00’s, my “favorite” one was the iraqi or whatever “Michael Jackson” cover where you had to read the lyrics cause theyre “funny” and then a woman with blaring eyes screamed at you.