That’s what I thought. Cognitive dissonance is holding conflicting ideas/positions/beliefs. This can be a purely mental, for example someone believing that evolution isn’t real because of their religion while simultaneously knowing that we have a common ancestor with chimps. It can also have a mixture of behaviors, like knowing that smoking is bad but doing it anyway or knowing you need to study/work but procrastinating anyway.
Where is the conflicting idea here? I think that telsa’s are ugly. Now that could certainly be an emotion-loaded motivational bias which has changed my perception of the cars (motivated thinking). But fuck it, yeah I do motivated thinking just like everyone else. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean that I have cognitive dissonance.
• I’m in this photo and I don’t like it
There is no evidence that bartering was a precursor to currency, in fact the opposite is more likely the case. Bartering is used by people who already have an understanding of currency when they don’t have money to use.