PICNIC. Problem in chair, not in computer.
Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.
PICNIC. Problem in chair, not in computer.
I have hifiman Sundara and KZ ZS10. Both excellent and great value.
I don’t know about personality and soul but it does appear to make it more relatable.
If they’re anything like me then the game is called Family and it’s on difficult mode.
I did similar a couple of year ago excluding the graphics card (kept my existing 1070). Spent about £1000 on a new setup for mostly gaming only to realise I hardly use it. Great PC, just wished I had time to use it more.
I’ve been upset for about 10 years or so. I used to use the Love Film service where I got two Blu-ray at a time posted to me. The company was bought my Amazon. Ok, don’t like Amazon but that’s fine, I like the service still. They then incorporate it into their Prime package. I didn’t want anything else, just discs by post. To retain the disc service it cost more than just prime as prime was a requirement. They sneaked Prime onto my account without me realising and the price went up. They were phasing people from discs to online by making it the cheaper option. They then phased the disc service out altogether.
They literally bought Love Film to shut it down.
I’m was happy renting blurays. I switched to buying Blu-ray for a while but I have no where to keep a collection. So I have up and switched to Kodi.
Quite sad really. I still have what were then two good quality Blu-ray players now collecting dust. I sometimes look at them and think one day…
Thanks. I’m not very clever with stuff like this. Remakes have no surprising content. We know what’s going to happen even if it’s roughly the same story. So long as I have the happy to watch it again feeling then I say it’s a good movie.
I liked it
Chips aren’t exactly cheap these days. Poor food isn’t cheap more.
No, in this context you would use the word balls or nuts.
Sea Gulls don’t have hands and can’t use sticks like that.
I’m not a Scouser and I hate the Sun.
Sea Gulls do this but with their feet and not sticks. The worms think it’s raining from the sound and come up to the surface to get eaten.
I maintain a Linux server at work which has our ERP on it (I wouldn’t say I’m great at it but know the basics). I use Linux at home for a few projects and things like routers, etc. My daily PC at home is Windows. I like Linux but the issues I’ve had in the past, while they can be resolved, generally take up more time that I’m willing to put in. I don’t want a hobby just to keep my PC working.
Aye you taking about hot seasoning? We do this is we’re not wanting it too hot. It’s also great keeping the left over seasoning for other meals.
Even the flu is extremely dangerous from some people.
The pandemic certainly was an eye opener for me on how warped and selfish a lot of people are, perhaps the human race as a whole to some degree.
And the logic people apply to support odd ideas. The lengths people go to just so they won’t admit they were wrong.
Sorry to hear that. Does it frustrate you when you hear people dismissing COVID like it’s a normal cold or similar to the flu?
When I had COVID I got sharp pains in my left ear (among other symptoms) and in the mornings my head was spinning and lost balance.
Since then whenever I have a normal cold my left ear gets blocked up and rings more. Any my sinus generally are more sensitive. I find it plays up more, as if a minor cold which would barely register previously is enough to trigger slightly larger symptoms.
Sumfin. How’s how we say it.