This was overtly happening and reported on a couple weeks ago
This was overtly happening and reported on a couple weeks ago
Jesus, we were paying $55 an eighth in utah when it was illegal.
Plus all the fuckery, convictions, probation, and etcetera
The scenery is great, the culture is not worth sticking around for
To hell with tankies, but where do I buy a ticket
I’ve seen this before, it’s great.
Is it real? Who’s it from? Who’s it to? Where’s the letter that followed?
Ahhh… i suck at computers. Nowadays anyway.
But FOSS generally has the tech nerd I wish I was going over it, finding and squawking loudly about vulnerabilities, instead of quietly writing backdoors in.
No, it’s not as stable and easy out of the box, but it’s less likely to turn you into ICE because your name is half mexican
It really isn’t though.
A day or two or even a week to get the hang of something isn’t a 40-year mortgage
Stephen king has written more bad reviews about his own shit than other people have.
I mean, get it. I hate me too