I already knew this but thanks anyway. Yet, let us not play around with semantics . A desert usually refers to a hot place with a lot of sand.
Speak Arabic /French /English Interested in Tech /AI /Piracy
I already knew this but thanks anyway. Yet, let us not play around with semantics . A desert usually refers to a hot place with a lot of sand.
But I said the desert not the north pole.
I freaking live in the desert so i know I’d have solar 16h a day for like 9 months but i also know that solar panels optimal temp is 25°. In here, it’s a least 35, almost always above 40, often 45++ in the summer. Heck, there’s days and days of consecutive 49° and somehow never reach 50° making me believe that if it reach 50° the government is required by international laws to not allow citizens out or something.
Where’s baby courage ? We demande baby courage the cowardly dog !
Thanks to whoever developed this bot !
God have forsaken us. He who have seen such horror must be relieved of their misery. I wouldn’t want this to my worst enemy.
No, flopsy! We don’t start a nuclear war because radiation = big carrot. Bad bunny ! Bad !
Say that to new learners that started with standard arabic . let’s take a car سيارة
In algeria it’s طاكسي in Tunisia كرهبة in Egyptian عربية( the Egyptian one use an archaic word for car )
Am native and yet still struggle understanding all these dialects.
Yeah , i know . i couldn’t understand the first word and though it was some kind of smudged text they tried erasing so didn’t bother trying to decipher it. Remove that word and it’s the Egyptian dialect and yet they sound nothing alike.
Not really the same. The difference between the Arabian dialects and standard arabic is the same as, if not even superior to the difference between Scottish English and the queen’s English . If you learn a language and then go to the people that are supposedly it’s native speakers but you can’t understand more than half of what they’re saying is it the same language ? Even worse , you visited another country of native speakers and they speak another form of Arabic different to the one the first people you visited. Heck, Tunisia dialect literally use the feminine you to refer to a male and vice versa and it’s the least jarring difference I can think of.
It’s not really Arabic. That look like the Egyptian dialect. Also, Arabic is litteraly a language built to sound as poetic as possible. Fun fact : in ancient Arabia, the best poets regularly gathered for poetry dissing battles and the burns were sicker than anything today.
Change seaman with sperm.
On a side note, i always hated how everybody is attacking the zuck for being weird while he’s obviously on the spectrum. He may be evil and immoral but being very awkward isn’t a choice he made. Same shit with Chris chan, the dude is extremely mentally instable, been bullied his entire life, blackmailed to do humiliating things, some on camera and emotionally abused by narcissistic psychopath and even the despicable act he committed was i believe suggested by the bullies that harassed him. What he did is sickening and unacceptable but he’s still a mentally ill person and he’s a much as victim. The dude needed to see a psychiatrist and administered heavy medications not become the literal toy of psychopaths.